The 'I deserve a ticket for QPR' thread

Simple mathematics , only so many seats , more people want to be there than are available . Don't dispute your loyalty or support , but the fact is many people are in the same boat . If we were not pushing for the title and were once again fighting relegation would you be on here trying to plead your case for a ticket ?

Fact is this years season ticket holders should all be there , you pay your money and you take your chance
Why not go up for the day mate? You might not see the game but I bet the atmosphere in and around the stadium and City Square etc will be fantastic. Not the same I know, but as you say you've invested a lot into City and you deserve to be a part of it.
It wasn't even that hard to get tickets for this game back when they went on sale. I'm pretty sure then went on sale to blue members with ticket priority that had about 250 loyalty points.
1961_vintage said:
Why not go up for the day mate? You might not see the game but I bet the atmosphere in and around the stadium and City Square etc will be fantastic. Not the same I know, but as you say you've invested a lot into City and you deserve to be a part of it.

Been thinking about this the last couple of days, I probably will end up doing this.
I can empaphise(is that a word) with this thread.
Only share a season ticket due to cost/junior footy commitments
32 seasons watching the blues mainly home with a few european trips
Got offered chance of a ticket for QPR day after the Arsenal defeat and turned it down.
Hoping that the fairy ticket might come up trumps yet.

It will be weird not being there for such a crucial game..but will still roar them on from the pub and then head up to the ground hopefully to celebrate
Johnsonontheleft said:
I may be shot down for this but I feel that though I can't get a ticket for QPR on Sunday, I deserve to be there. I've supported City for 30 years, a season ticket holder for most of the 90s but because of where I now live (200 miles away) and because I have 2 kids to look after I just can't have a season ticket, and because of this I can't go.

The amount of money and time I've ploughed into this club, when the chips were down and the crowd used to chant 'we're shit and we're sick of it' at Maine Road, makes me feel like I deserve a ticket more than some of the 'johnny-come-latelys' who haven't been through the same shit I have for so long. I was a junior blue, had my birthday parties at Maine Road, went to platt lane every week to collect autographs from the likes of Quinny and Tony Coton and Paul Lake. Scouts from City watched me as a kid but I wasn't good enough. I've had every kit since 1990.

I fluked a ticket for the FA cup final, but have been unsuccessful for this one. It kills me inside. I deserve to be there and certain others do not.

Does anyone else feel like this?

I don't
Reading through the QPR thread over the last few days its slipping back into I'm a more genuine fan therefore more deserving than you nonsense

envy and and arrogance and the sense of entitlement displayed are particularly unattractive characteristics unless your Warren Buffet you cannot have every thing

what I cannot get if it was so f88king awful all those years why carry on going?? I'm guessing because it was great fun despite the results and unless stated somewhere and I have missed it past attendance is not a saving account to cash in when greatness comes knocking

how you can presume to be more deserving that any other person who wants to go is bizzare The only people who deserve to be there on Sunday are those , who like you did for all those years bought tickets nothings change m8 simple economics you pays your money you get showtime on Sunday

I enjoy watching city win or lose I love the matches however, the last few weeks on Blue Moon has been a great warning to me

I must make sure not to end up up slightly sad and desperate like a lot of the posters on here just victims of their own faulty thinking .

Its all about the choices you make sadly m8 none on here wishing you well can fix the problem for you its in your head
I've supported City ever since Robinho signed. I used to support United, but then Chelsea won the league so I tried them. I've got all the merchandise including a limited edition Gareth Barry pencil case. I surely deserve a ticket.
greenie_34 said:
I've supported City ever since Robinho signed. I used to support United, but then Chelsea won the league so I tried them. I've got all the merchandise including a limited edition Gareth Barry pencil case. I surely deserve a ticket.

I'm like you. I was thinking of collectibles and what they could be worth on E bay. I have supported a host of teams over the years and fortunately I have made a fortune over it. I'm glad I started supporting City. I got my ticket and sold it to a tourist for a fortune, certainly enough to cover the cost of a few lost rental payments on my portfolio of properties.

I've had a few tickets this season, and they have been worth more than their weight in gold.

It's not often I speak to anyone about football, but City certainly give you a great return!
Wafty Cranker said:
It wasn't even that hard to get tickets for this game back when they went on sale. I'm pretty sure then went on sale to blue members with ticket priority that had about 250 loyalty points.

If only this was true mate.

I was a season ticket holder between 1986-2009. For reasons that are nobody elses business I had to give up my season ticket in 2009. I went to every home game throughout this period. I went to probably around 60% of the away games. I was at Wembley against Gillingham. I went to away games in Europe.

When the QPR tickets went on sale it looked like we'd blown it. But I still wanted to be there for the last game of the season. I had more than enough loyalty points to get a ticket. So I tried to buy online, only to be met with a screen telling me I had 0 loyalty points.

I emailed and rang the ticket office. About 3 hrs later when I finally got through I was told that this was an error, that they would send me an email to re-set my password, and that then would show my true loyalty points figure.

They were half right.

I logged on with my re-set password. It showed my true points figure - more than enough to be eligible to buy tickets. However, when I tried to buy tickets I kept getting an error message tellimg me I didn't have sufficient points for this fixture, despite the fact that I had 2000 points more than I needed.

I tried to ring the ticket office. I spent over an hour and a half, as did my mate who took it in turns with me to ring up. I'd ring up, get in a queue - you all know the routine - "you are caller number twelve, we will get to you when one of our operatives is free" etc. Except every time I got to number 2 or 3 the line went dead and I was back in the queue. In the end I gave up.

I relate this tale not to have a go at those that got tickets. I salute you all. I posted because I wanted those lucky buggers with tickets not to doubt the credentials of some of those of us not lucky enough to be able to be in the ground on Sunday.

To those with a ticket for Sunday: I envy you with every fibre of my body. When (if) Vinny lifts that trophy, I hope you go as mental as I would. But I hope that you spare a second's thought for those of us that can't be there.

Because know this - I would give anything to be in your shoes.

We stand on the threshold of greatness.

Manchester City.

Just typing that brings a lump to my throat. Wherever you are on Sunday, remember what this club means to us all.

Enjoy Sunday.

This is our time.
union city blue said:
Wafty Cranker said:
It wasn't even that hard to get tickets for this game back when they went on sale. I'm pretty sure then went on sale to blue members with ticket priority that had about 250 loyalty points.

If only this was true mate.

I was a season ticket holder between 1986-2009. For reasons that are nobody elses business I had to give up my season ticket in 2009. I went to every home game throughout this period. I went to probably around 60% of the away games. I was at Wembley against Gillingham. I went to away games in Europe.

When the QPR tickets went on sale it looked like we'd blown it. But I still wanted to be there for the last game of the season. I had more than enough loyalty points to get a ticket. So I tried to buy online, only to be met with a screen telling me I had 0 loyalty points.

I emailed and rang the ticket office. About 3 hrs later when I finally got through I was told that this was an error, that they would send me an email to re-set my password, and that then would show my true loyalty points figure.

They were half right.

I logged on with my re-set password. It showed my true points figure - more than enough to be eligible to buy tickets. However, when I tried to buy tickets I kept getting an error message tellimg me I didn't have sufficient points for this fixture, despite the fact that I had 2000 points more than I needed.

I tried to ring the ticket office. I spent over an hour and a half, as did my mate who took it in turns with me to ring up. I'd ring up, get in a queue - you all know the routine - "you are caller number twelve, we will get to you when one of our operatives is free" etc. Except every time I got to number 2 or 3 the line went dead and I was back in the queue. In the end I gave up.

I relate this tale not to have a go at those that got tickets. I salute you all. I posted because I wanted those lucky buggers with tickets not to doubt the credentials of some of those of us not lucky enough to be able to be in the ground on Sunday.

To those with a ticket for Sunday: I envy you with every fibre of my body. When (if) Vinny lifts that trophy, I hope you go as mental as I would. But I hope that you spare a second's thought for those of us that can't be there.

Because know this - I would give anything to be in your shoes.

We stand on the threshold of greatness.

Manchester City.

Just typing that brings a lump to my throat. Wherever you are on Sunday, remember what this club means to us all.

Enjoy Sunday.

This is our time.

Sorry to hear that. In my post I meant that most fans who had been to a few games over the years should have easily racked up enough loyalty points to get a ticket. It seems you are the exception to this.

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