The Independent Group

I would vote for them dependent on policies away from Brexit. In terms of party voting Brexit is the one issue I am not interested in....

A pro-business, pro-economy, moderately pro-social ideals party.... Yes please!
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The policies din't exist beyond a second referendum.

Honestly how can soubry have any common ground with even a "cough" centrist labour MP?

Looking at the 2 ringleaders

Soubrys past voting record

And chukas

While they agree on some things, mainly they oppose each other.

At least the SDP had something in common with the Liberals

True enough, but that is kind of how it should work, people with different views working together.

Unlike the extremist fantasist twats who have hijacked the country on both sides.
True enough, but that is kind of how it should work, people with different views working together.

Unlike the extremist fantasist twats who have hijacked the country on both sides.

Aye, but who are they appealing to overall?
People who voted for chukas kind of politics voted against soubrys in his constituency and vice versa.

Maybe thre will be commin ground and
the policies will decide if this fails or not, I think it will fail and fissle out.
Aye, but who are they appealing to overall?
People who voted for chukas kind of politics voted against soubrys in his constituency and vice versa.

The policies will decide if this fails or not, I think it will fail and fissle out.

That's the trouble with the system imo, we end up with the same twats in the same parties, taking it in turns, because nothing new works, so the voters who are not especially rabid about politics one way or the other, often have to either vote in a party with a percentage of neo nazis or one with a percentage of commie bastards because anything else is a waste of a vote.
That's the trouble with the system imo, we end up with the same twats in the same parties, taking it in turns, because nothing new works, so the voters who are not especially rabid about politics one way or the other, often have to either vote in a party with a percentage of neo nazis or one with a percentage of commie bastards because anything else is a waste of a vote.

That's the point isn't it? The Oxbridge mob carving out lifelong careers for themselves by not giving the electorate a real choice, you end up voting for whichever party you despise less or a non runner.
This new party will/could/might kill the Labour party and give us even more years of complete Tory rule, instead of Labour getting basics to basics by removing the entire shadow cabinet and forming a cohesive opposition we're faced with a new party that isn't for the people, only those who voted to remain.
That's the point isn't it? The Oxbridge mob carving out lifelong careers for themselves by not giving the electorate a real choice, you end up voting for whichever party you despise less or a non runner.
This new party will/could/might kill the Labour party and give us even more years of complete Tory rule, instead of Labour getting basics to basics by removing the entire shadow cabinet and forming a cohesive opposition we're faced with a new party that isn't for the people, only those who voted to remain.

The Labour party is doing its best to ensure years of Tory rule, already.

These are the most incompetent, ugly, characterless bunch of tossers there has ever been in government, at a time of national crisis & still Labour are struggling to gain ground.

If the Tories actually found someone within their ranks who had talent & or charisma, they would win by a landslide imo, because Corbyn hasn't particularly even got the remain voters on his side, in spite of having an open goal to do so.
The Labour party is doing its best to ensure years of Tory rule, already.

These are the most incompetent, ugly, characterless bunch of tossers there has ever been in government, at a time of national crisis & still Labour are struggling to gain ground.

If the Tories actually found someone within their ranks who had talent & or charisma, they would win by a landslide imo, because Corbyn hasn't particularly even got the remain voters on his side, in spite of having an open goal to do so.

As a combination this is the weakest government and opposition I can think of in the history of this country.

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