The Independent Group

It's incredible to watch them all in action.

Sepp Blatter would have a decent chance being elected leader of either

Both have weak leaders, both are either pushing ahead with something that will cripple the country or are silently letting it happen, both have very bad racism issues, both have Ministers/Shadow Ministers that would fuck up working the checkouts in Tesco (no offence to Tesco workers) and both have ideological extremists following them.

We’re fucked at the moment... fucked.
Both have weak leaders, both are either pushing ahead with something that will cripple the country or are silently letting it happen, both have very bad racism issues, both have Ministers/Shadow Ministers that would fuck up working the checkouts in Tesco (no offence to Tesco workers) and both have ideological extremists following them.

We’re fucked at the moment... fucked.

Then you look at the candidates to replace them as leader....
Back to the topic - Chukka's "new party" that crosses all boundaries will never come off for two simple reasons. One - Brexit is the only thing that the Labour and Tory "candidates" agree on. Unless they want to be UKIP v2 they have to agree on tax, health, economy and so on - and there isn't middle ground that they could all agree upon and form policy on. Two - the SDP, Lib Dem Alliance, Lib Dems looms large - they aren't offering something that is say anti-Macron like in France or anti-Immigration like in Italy and so on. None of those who threaten to leave daily will do so and risk a lucrative job ( particularly at the moment ) to set up a party when they are used to the safety, the backup and support offered by the main parties that they are currently members of. Turkeys / Xmas
If I had to pick anyone from either party now it’d be Hammond for the Tories and Cooper for Labour.

But the extremists won’t let either happen.

There's the problem.

The extremists have to have someone who will do their bidding.

Brexit is just the starting point for the Torys' nutter wing imo, not the endgame. The Labour nutters already have their man in, but he has to actually get elected.
Back to the topic - Chukka's "new party" that crosses all boundaries will never come off for two simple reasons. One - Brexit is the only thing that the Labour and Tory "candidates" agree on. Unless they want to be UKIP v2 they have to agree on tax, health, economy and so on - and there isn't middle ground that they could all agree upon and form policy on. Two - the SDP, Lib Dem Alliance, Lib Dems looms large - they aren't offering something that is say anti-Macron like in France or anti-Immigration like in Italy and so on. None of those who threaten to leave daily will do so and risk a lucrative job ( particularly at the moment ) to set up a party when they are used to the safety, the backup and support offered by the main parties that they are currently members of. Turkeys / Xmas

I think it's very difficult to be sure what will happen.

It's early days yet, as they are all just warming up for the post Brexit shitstorm.
And do you think Chukka, Smith and Hoey have anything now or will have in the future any common ground other than Brexit with Clarke, Allen and Hammond?

I don't know.

Many things these people vote on are 'negotiable'. And it could be an entirely different bunch who make the first move.

But both parties seem to me to have a fair few people who might be closer to each other, in the centre, than they are to their own extremists, who seem to be hijacking both parties for their own ends.

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