The Independent Group

Back to the topic - Chukka's "new party" that crosses all boundaries will never come off for two simple reasons. One - Brexit is the only thing that the Labour and Tory "candidates" agree on. Unless they want to be UKIP v2 they have to agree on tax, health, economy and so on - and there isn't middle ground that they could all agree upon and form policy on. Two - the SDP, Lib Dem Alliance, Lib Dems looms large - they aren't offering something that is say anti-Macron like in France or anti-Immigration like in Italy and so on. None of those who threaten to leave daily will do so and risk a lucrative job ( particularly at the moment ) to set up a party when they are used to the safety, the backup and support offered by the main parties that they are currently members of. Turkeys / Xmas
If they brand themselves as the remain party and pledge to disband following getting us out of this Brexit mess, then I’d support them, as would the Liberals, SNP and Plaid Cymru. If they could get 130 each from Labour and the Tories, they could bring the government down and save the country from 20 years of cardboard and insects.
It won’t happen.
Goes with the territory but they’d be less people calling them useless ****s, less often.

Not really the countries divided on many fronts and politicians have as much self interest as the public at large. The current situation has been a long time coming and no one could have come out of this well.
If they brand themselves as the remain party and pledge to disband following getting us out of this Brexit mess, then I’d support them, as would the Liberals, SNP and Plaid Cymru. If they could get 130 each from Labour and the Tories, they could bring the government down and save the country from 20 years of cardboard and insects.
It won’t happen.

Remain then disband - the Kamikaze Party more like
Not really the countries divided on many fronts and politicians have as much self interest as the public at large. The current situation has been a long time coming and no one could have come out of this well.

Yes really.

The current situation wasn’t a long time coming it’s a Tory fuck up and one in which Labour isn’t capitalising on because the party is ran by fucking idiot ideologues and there’s a load of racist ****s in the party.
Yes really.

The current situation wasn’t a long time coming it’s a Tory fuck up and one in which Labour isn’t capitalising on because the party is ran by fucking idiot ideologues and there’s a load of racist ****s in the party.
While I agree that the Tories have allowed Brexit to happen, the general publics willingness to vote leave was far more than hatred of the EU, which is a scapegoat.

Thatcherism, Blair's support of neo liberalism and deregulation which resulted in 2008, subsequent austerity implemented by the Tories. Take your pick. Ordinary people have been fucked over. They're angry but sadly are mobilizing in the wrong direction
While I agree that the Tories have allowed Brexit to happen, the general publics willingness to vote leave was far more than hatred of the EU, which is a scapegoat.

Thatcherism, Blair's support of neo liberalism and deregulation which resulted in 2008, subsequent austerity implemented by the Tories. Take your pick. Ordinary people have been fucked over. They're angry but sadly are mobilizing in the wrong direction

I agree with most of that but Blair oversaw the best living standards we’ve ever seen in this country, I’m not sure how you can blame him.
Looks like it is happening this morn, with the possible tory lot are not throwing in.

Question is will it be new party or they just become independants?

If a new party they should really stand down as MS and call a by election imho, their constituents voted for them and Labour, only fair they decide if they want this new party and MP or someone else.
Don't have a problem with them (in either party) finally putting their money where their mouths are, but the timing is quite interesting this far out from an election. Generally speaking such centrist ideas tend to poll rather well initially before falling away, and the best chance of getting any kind of permanence would be to do it close to a general election where they might well win seats.

But equally, the constituency parties have been threatening deselection (either via entryism or general pissed-offedness) for many of the characters here. They might feel they don't have much to lose.

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