The Italian Benitez...

BillyShears said:
WNRH said:
You are talking from a fans perspective though Billy.

Mancini and Fergie saw it differently.

Slur Alex rightfully did....he had fuck all available to him. Mancini blinked tonight. The rags walked away with the point they probably would have taken before the kick off...

He has done it in big games Billy. He was anti football in the 2008 CL semi final against Barca and their side included Ronaldo, Rooney, Tevez ect

We could of gone all out for it and not been able to break them open and been left open at the back and lose yet another last minute goal which mentally would of been worse for the club and the players.

Like i said, i'm dissapointed but can fully understand where he is coming from. We will see if he's right at the end of the season.
fbloke said:
I agree with the fact that there seemed a lack of passion across the pitch, and that it seemed to be something that the coaching staff and manager have promoted.

That said we have to accept that we judge the manager on what he produces in the season and not in one performance, even if that performance tonight left us frustrated and disappointed.

You know that I want to win, think we can win and feel we should try to win every game (and aim for the title) but surely 2nd or 3rd (perhaps even 4th for some) will be hugely satisfying even for me and you Billy?

Yeah, yeah. I get it. I should look on the brightside...;- )

I'm just struggling to right now.
BillyShears said:
WNRH said:
You are talking from a fans perspective though Billy.

Mancini and Fergie saw it differently.

Slur Alex rightfully did....he had fuck all available to him. Mancini blinked tonight. The rags walked away with the point they probably would have taken before the kick off...
What goads me is this big Mancini big balls thing before he came here.

He won't take no shit. Milan, he the man

And then tonight.... meh.... is he looking SAFFA cake up n down and thinking "I got ya"?

Or is he actually being an Itaian manager???? Anyway, we should have won that today. Players, place and time. Fucking stupid not to have at least given it a go.
Joycee Banercheck said:
BillyShears said:
Slur Alex rightfully did....he had fuck all available to him. Mancini blinked tonight. The rags walked away with the point they probably would have taken before the kick off...
What goads me is this big Mancini big balls thing before he came here.

He won't take no shit. Milan, he the man

And then tonight.... meh.... is he looking SAFFA cake up n down and thinking "I got ya"?

Or is he actually being an Itaian manager???? Anyway, we should have won that today. Players, place and time. Fucking stupid not to have at least given it a go.

Thing is, Slur Alex got the better of him twice last season. You'd think he'd look at that rags team and think "right, I'll show you"...instead, he does exactly what we all expected him to do.

That's why I made the Benitez reference. He was as dogmatic in his ways.
BillyShears said:
fbloke said:
I agree with the fact that there seemed a lack of passion across the pitch, and that it seemed to be something that the coaching staff and manager have promoted.

That said we have to accept that we judge the manager on what he produces in the season and not in one performance, even if that performance tonight left us frustrated and disappointed.

You know that I want to win, think we can win and feel we should try to win every game (and aim for the title) but surely 2nd or 3rd (perhaps even 4th for some) will be hugely satisfying even for me and you Billy?

Yeah, yeah. I get it. I should look on the brightside...;- )

I'm just struggling to right now.[/quote]

I can fully understand that POV ;-)
Mattyc55 said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
Sorry. but that was shite. I appreciate the nil of it all and the tactical battle (we have them every week now) but one day we are gonna have to come out and tell people why we think we are in with a shot.

I agree, and I think City fans downtalk this team far too much. We have more than enough to beat United.

A lot of the people who post on here haven't a clue. They seem to think that trophies are won each week and that team takes 2 games to jell. We have just played a stalemate against a team which started with a back four that has (certainly when brown came on)m been playing together for 3 seasons. They barely had a shot on goal and Fungus was shocked. He couldn't diguise it. He was expecting us to panic and bomb on at every turn, after having 2 days less rest than the scum over the last 7 days. We had virtual parity in terms of possesion and the best goal attempt of the game, Vidic was the sky man of the match for fucks sake! Who gives a fuck about being entertaining losers, we have one goal this season, champions league, and we are now 4 points clear of fifth place and I believe that gap is only going to grow. To those having a go at our manager, I respect you're right to voice you're opinion, put please reserve you're judgement until the end of the season.
m27 said:
When we lost 4-3 it took me weeks to get over it. Seriously, I can still see the inside of the net bulging from Owen's shot.

Do I need to go on?

Fuck off you bastard....;- )

I'm not going to sleep now...I'll dream about it.
BillyShears said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
What goads me is this big Mancini big balls thing before he came here.

He won't take no shit. Milan, he the man

And then tonight.... meh.... is he looking SAFFA cake up n down and thinking "I got ya"?

Or is he actually being an Itaian manager???? Anyway, we should have won that today. Players, place and time. Fucking stupid not to have at least given it a go.

Thing is, Slur Alex got the better of him twice last season. You'd think he'd look at that rags team and think "right, I'll show you"...instead, he does exactly what we all expected him to do.

That's why I made the Benitez reference. He was as dogmatic in his ways.
I honestly thought he learnt from his last encounter that you don't mess about in such times, but he obviously never. We still gave Scholes more time on the ball than any other fucker in the league. Maybe it's just training. We MUST learn in training.
Joycee Banercheck said:
BillyShears said:
Thing is, Slur Alex got the better of him twice last season. You'd think he'd look at that rags team and think "right, I'll show you"...instead, he does exactly what we all expected him to do.

That's why I made the Benitez reference. He was as dogmatic in his ways.
I honestly thought he learnt from his last encounter that you don't mess about in such times, but he obviously never. We still gave Scholes more time on the ball than any other fucker in the league. Maybe it's just training. We MUST learn in training.


(sorry mate)

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