The Labour Government

Wonderful that we now have Labours first female prime minister, can't wait for HS2 now coming all the way to Manchester, cheap affordable rents and property prices for young people, violent knife crime and disorder a thing of the past, no more strikes in the public sector, even the pot hole problem is going to be solved..... i am of course being cynical, i wish the new government the best, alas it's probably not going to happen.
We have a Labour council for decades, they have gone about building hundreds of New affordable homes on brownfield sites half private and half rented beautiful homes. Not only that they didn’t just fill the pot holes near me they relaid the whole roundabout :)

Considering councils are deprived of money from central government it’s no surprise I voted for them
I don't understand it either. All they had to do was support calls for a ceasefire and access to humanitarian aid. There are many in the Jewish community who wouldn't have an issue with that. It's not like they're supporting Hamas. I mean, it's just words really and you aren't firmly committing yourself to one side or other. But it sometimes seemed like he was happy to give Israel carte blanche.

Was probably terrified of labour being accused of being the party of antisemitism again after his work moving away from Corbyn and that tag rightly or wrongly assigned to Labour. Played it so safe it cost them a few more seats.
Son of a Tory MP!

Immigration has been the all-important issue in UK politics in recent years.
It was used to get the Brexit leave vote over the line.
It is used to stoke the votes for Reform.
If Labour can find a workable way to control / manage it then Reform will be reduced to a "send 'em back" party and exposed as the Nazis they are.
It's not rocket science, if you increase the uk's population by over half a million a year then you are going to need more schools, hospitals, your waiting time to see a GP is going to be longer, more congested roads, house prices and rents are going up "supply and demand" if every person coming to the uk was white blue eyed and had blonde hair it would still be a problem , it's numbers not ethnicity
I don't understand it either. All they had to do was support calls for a ceasefire and access to humanitarian aid. There are many in the Jewish community who wouldn't have an issue with that. It's not like they're supporting Hamas. I mean, it's just words really and you aren't firmly committing yourself to one side or other. But it sometimes seemed like he was happy to give Israel carte blanche.
To be fair, not sure what else they expected from his October speech in the HOC.
Next, open processing centres in France to stop all the boats and watch Reform melt away.

Nice having adults in charge.

everybody was saying Labour want a closer relationship with the EU and panic tweeting that they were going FoM and rejoin - maybe you have hit on what the closer relationship will look like in reality

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