The Labour Government

Fucking sad day when a President and a Presidential nominee tell their country how trade unions have raised their standard of living. Yet the leader of the party created by the unions in the UK can't bare to talk about them for fear of being vilified by the Daily Heil
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I'm sure that's a comfort to them.
Get off your high horse, where do you actually sit within this socialist circle?

My kids are at an age when they could do with this, a few quid extra to look after their young families, so I’m in full agreement that this needs to be sorted, but you, and others on here, don’t really give a fuck as you use it as a way to provoke your agenda.

Tell me, are you in an impoverished position, is your family suffering, using food banks to get by?

Supporting my family takes a lot of work, and it’s fuck all to do with Labour, and all to do with the Tories and the previous Labour Shadow to do anything about it.

Now, unless you’ve got a story to tell, get fucked with your sad sack of bollocks that you bring.
Don't really think you understand the theatrical politics in play here and yes the results are distasteful but Labour didn't put in in the manifesto. Unlike what the Tories and others in the Labour Party have said there is NO cap on child benefits - if you have six kids you do get Child Benefit ( Family Allowance) on every kid. The cap applies to things like UC.

If it wasn't in the Kings Speech Labour could not implement it right away - if its a Scot Nat amendment they can't get it through because its a Scot Nat looking decision and looks weak. When Parliament comes back in October and the issue an Autumn Statement and announce it then. They will have the credibility of saying that they have looked at the books and so have been able to cost the introduction and its their decisions they were not bounced into it by another Party or rebels.

I do understand it. I also understand that Starmer said Country before party in the run-up to the election. It's just another lie that his supporters ignore.

It's been known that they were going to be in power for over a year and the best they can come up with is a taskforce?
Fucking sad day when a President and a Presidential nominee tell their country how trade unions have raised their standard of living. Yet the leader of the party creates by the unions in the UK can't bare to talk about them for fear of being vilified by the Daily Heil
Don’t get me started. How’s your life, by the way?
Let’s get this right, the Labour Party, not Starmer, are now your twat, who you think is coming after your money in order to look after the poor.

What a sick and twisted mind that is, especially when the likes of yourself have prevented your governement to make immediate policies to prevent child poverty.

Fucking weirdos!
Ah, the old child poverty sound bites, do you really think that by scrapping the 2 child benefit cap it will eradicate child poverty?
No of course not, and if you think Labour are the going to save the poor your deluded, they hate the benefit class, working class and middle class, just like the vile Tories they are out for themselves.
Get off your high horse, where do you actually sit within this socialist circle?

My kids are at an age when they could do with this, a few quid extra to look after their young families, so I’m in full agreement that this needs to be sorted, but you, and others on here, don’t really give a fuck as you use it as a way to provoke your agenda.

Tell me, are you in an impoverished position, is your family suffering, using food banks to get by?

Supporting my family takes a lot of work, and it’s fuck all to do with Labour, and all to do with the Tories and the previous Labour Shadow to do anything about it.

Now, unless you’ve got a story to tell, get fucked with your sad sack of bollocks that you bring.

I'm a carer for my missus and we haven't even been mentioned by the new Government apart from the fact that we need to "get back to work". I'm still thinking about others not getting what they need.
Ah, the old child poverty sound bites, do you really think that by scrapping the 2 child benefit cap it will eradicate child poverty?
No of course not, and if you think Labour are the going to save the poor your deluded, they hate the benefit class, working class and middle class, just like the vile Tories they are out for themselves.
As for you, you sad ****, just fuck off while I smile in abundance.
I'm a carer for my missus and we haven't even been mentioned by the new Government apart from the fact that we need to "get back to work". I'm still thinking about others not getting what they need.
Recognition where it is due but, again, we’re thinking about ourselves, not the wider picture. I am absolutely sure that Labour will look after you better than the Tories, don’t use them as a beating stick for past ills.
Don’t get me started. How’s your life, by the way?
I've stood on picket lines many times in my 25 years on the railways. I've been an local rep, company council rep, President of our young members. Regional council secretary, and now I chair my local branch.

I'm lucky to be in an industry that the unions have strength and have a say in how the company is run. Sadly I see others struggling In other industries. To have the help and support they require. Just a word from the PM saying how unions improve your life will embolden them.

We're not "wreckers" and "Don't want to bring the government down". Most of us just want to be a balance for corporate governance and hold greedy bastards to account.

It's embarrassing to see the US presidential nominee court the value of unions. Yet the party we created don't want to support us anymore for fear Tory boy will vote them out.

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