The Labour Government

I think there in a tricky situation. They want to be seen as the party of growth, but some of their policies do sound like austerity.

They want to increase junior doctors pay by 20% apparently, but you can’t do that without cuts or tax rises. I’ve also read they’re scrapping large infrastructure projects.

Seems like the economy is in a much worse state then known and labour are now going to have to push through some really difficult decisions.
What's pissing me is the Tory gaslighting and the BBC,.and others pushing that narrative.

The Tory MP on BBC Politics is in full on Boris bollocks mode and not being challenged.
Not the least of the issues with Brexit was that it wasted a huge amount of political capital and ministers' time, when other things that mattered were neglected.

The abysmal quality of Tory ministers did not help, of course. You could probably have picked a random bus in Piccadilly Gardens, given the passengers jobs in charge of the country, and been no worse off.
I agree with a lot of that, but I'd argue that the Tories haven't really been trying anything coordinated for years.

Since 2015 they've been more interested in Brexit, or fighting for position. Add in Covid and Ukraine, and it's been a lot more reactionary. Seven Tory Health Secretaries since 2018, suggests that just by being in post for the full parliament, Streeting is going to be able to find it a lot easier to actually implement a few of the more obvious solutions.

The Tories spent a lot of time fighting each other instead of governing, there is a good 3 part series on iplayer called State of Chaos that’s worth a watch.

Streeting won’t find it easy let alone a lot easier. Changing the NHS is Incredibly hard. Put it this way if my boss asked me to work a different way and I told him to fuck off I’d be sacked, that simply doesn’t happen in the NHS. I wish him well, it’s in all our long term interests he succeeds.
If only we stopped the boats, or got this Rwanda scheme off the ground, or did the right sort of Brexit.

It would all be sound then.

When have we not been broke?

Its been a constant in my lifetime, this isn't new thing is it.
I think generally the world cannot afford to keep up with the ever increasing demands of the public.

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