There are a ton of people at my work sat waiting to retire in their late 50's/early 60s, they'll all leave on final salary pensions with houses already paid for, their houses will be worth 100x what they originally paid. They're probably debt free and don't have student loans to repay because they were free.
It's absolutely impossible that anybody working today will get those kind of benefits and that standard of living. People are talking up private pensions because the fact is workplace pensions alongside the state pension aren't going to be enough. And that's if they can even afford to put money into a private pension in the first place.
I keyed in mine recently and I only need to put in a measly extra £500pm to get a decent standard of living in retirement, and that's retiring at retirement age, not 60! My mortgage won't be paid off until I'm 65. My house will be my pension and unlike the oldies I'll probably have to sell it to get the income.
I can understand why some have little sympathy for the older folk. Young people are absolutely screwed, plain and simple.