The Labour Government

Because it’s not far from the fucking truth however much you try to dance around it.

If he was prime minister of the centre / left wing of the UK I’d have no issue with it, he would be speaking to the people he leads. But he isn’t he is prime minster of the UK and all its people and he needs to lead it without fair nor favour. He’s not the opposition any more.

Would his speech have any less meaning or weight if he said “rioters” rather than “far right rioters”?
Is it helpful?

Take a look at the right wing nut jobs on social media, along with Talk TV and GB News and the rest of the foul mouthed fuckwits, they're peddling this as the authentic voice of the white working class, but it ain't, and why would they do this? Coz they want racial conflict, and why? Coz it's a means to an end, first they divide and then they can rule.

For fuck sake wake up.

Starmer had to nip this shit in the bud and that's precisely what he's done.

Take a look at the right wing nut jobs on social media, along with Talk TV and GB News and the rest of the foul mouthed fuckwits, they're peddling this as the authentic voice of the white working class, but it ain't, and why would they do this? Coz they want racial conflict, and why? Coz it's a means to an end, first they divide and then they can rule.

For fuck sake wake up.

Starmer had to nip this shit in the bud and that's precisely what he's done.

Sky News are reporting that his words might escalate tensions over the next few days.

Given my point is also being shared in the mainstream news I’ll leave it at that.
However offensive it is, it’s nowhere near as offensive as watching you and a few others defending the human rights of racist violent thugs to come and watch City along with the rest of us because their crimes were nothing to do with football this time.

Let him take the non British born people out of this and see where it gets us


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