The Labour Government

However offensive it is, it’s nowhere near as offensive as watching you and a few others defending the human rights of racist violent thugs to come and watch City along with the rest of us because their crimes were nothing to do with football this time.
I did nothing of the sort, and it’s a bit daft suggesting I did.

I simply questioned the workability of the proposed bans and how they could implement these, based on certain convictions, if they didn’t ban all the people with those convictions. It’s an obvious question to ask and a relevant one given that there’s likely hundreds of people with convictions in a crowd of 50k-plus, involving some probably very nasty crimes involving racism, violence and sexual offences.

Personally I believe in the rule of law and I would rather the government hand out very severe sentences and then be the entity which determines any further restrictions on liberties once they’re out of prison.
I did nothing of the sort, and it’s a bit daft suggesting I did.

I simply questioned the workability of the proposed bans and how they could implement these, based on certain convictions, if they didn’t ban all the people with those convictions. It’s an obvious question to ask and a relevant one given that there’s likely hundreds of people with convictions in a crowd of 50k-plus, involving some probably very nasty crimes involving racism, violence and sexual offences.

Personally I believe in the rule of law and I would rather the government hand out very severe sentences and then be the entity which determines any further restrictions on liberties once they’re out of prison.
Sounds like bullshit to me.

Banning people for actions completely unrelated to attending football matches? I can’t see how clubs could reasonably enforce this without being accused of discrimination, ironically enough, other than to make everyone wishing to attend a match subject to a criminal records check.
I wouldn’t call it nothing of the sort when you have gone on about them being discriminated against.
By the way, the government doesn’t hand out punishments. That would be the courts, and as for being the entity that decides on restrictions at football matches, I would say the owner of the private property where they might want to go should make that decision. Ever heard of the “Kick it out” campaign? Why would any club want to invite back convicted racist thugs when they’ve spent the last 30 years running a campaign to get rid of them.
Weird hill to die on. They are indisputably “far right”. Christ, even The Telegraph are referring to them as such.

My issue is about the language the prime minister uses. He should, IMHO, be there calming the waters, priority one has to be getting people off the streets and restore order - and that is all sides. He must stand above all of these grievance, take no side, but instead he has thrown himself in as being against the rioters, effectively saying your concerns have no justification. It doesn’t matter if he is right or wrong, it’s how that’s going to be seen by those he is singling out.

If I tell you there are right wing thugs out there what do you think that does? Counter protests… have they all passed off peacefully? No. They will only increase in numbers if these riots continue. Bringing further disorder. This was occurring when he made his speech so you simply have to say all thugs will face the full force of the law. That tells everyone to stay at home or else.

For whatever reason this group of people think they are being hard done-by by immigration- now they get the PM telling them it’s them that are the problem but other “thugs” aren’t. How is that going to make them think? Ah he’s right you know we’re the problem and we were wrong all along, time to go home and have a word with ourselves? Nope it’s going to have the opposite effect they are going to feel even more let down.

Now of course we all know the counter protests would not be there if they weren’t out on the street but you think people who throw shit at dibble and put through hotel windows and try and set fire to them are rational thinkers? Parenting 101, you’re not bad your behaviour is bad - and then the punishment. And yes you’ve got to break it down to this type of language to the hard of thinking.

Being the PM is about joined up thinking and that starts with using inclusive, not divisive, language. Anyway if people can’t see any of this then that’s on them, I really can’t be bothered going around in circles on it.

Oh and the telegraph aren’t running this country they can call them whatever they like. As can you and I and everyone on this forum. They are being stirred up by racist thugs, showing their true racist colours, and deserve all that’s coming their way, which is going to be plenty of early morning door knocking. Makes me ashamed to be British.
My issue is about the language the prime minister uses. He should, IMHO, be there calming the waters, priority one has to be getting people off the streets and restore order - and that is all sides. He must stand above all of these grievance, take no side, but instead he has thrown himself in as being against the rioters, effectively saying your concerns have no justification. It doesn’t matter if he is right or wrong, it’s how that’s going to be seen by those he is singling out.

If I tell you there are right wing thugs out there what do you think that does? Counter protests… have they all passed off peacefully? No. They will only increase in numbers if these riots continue. Bringing further disorder. This was occurring when he made his speech so you simply have to say all thugs will face the full force of the law. That tells everyone to stay at home or else.

For whatever reason this group of people think they are being hard done-by by immigration- now they get the PM telling them it’s them that are the problem but other “thugs” aren’t. How is that going to make them think? Ah he’s right you know we’re the problem and we were wrong all along, time to go home and have a word with ourselves? Nope it’s going to have the opposite effect they are going to feel even more let down.

Now of course we all know the counter protests would not be there if they weren’t out on the street but you think people who throw shit at dibble and put through hotel windows and try and set fire to them are rational thinkers? Parenting 101, you’re not bad your behaviour is bad - and then the punishment. And yes you’ve got to break it down to this type of language to the hard of thinking.

Being the PM is about joined up thinking and that starts with using inclusive, not divisive, language. Anyway if people can’t see any of this then that’s on them, I really can’t be bothered going around in circles on it.

Oh and the telegraph aren’t running this country they can call them whatever they like. As can you and I and everyone on this forum. They are being stirred up by racist thugs, showing their true racist colours, and deserve all that’s coming their way, which is going to be plenty of early morning door knocking. Makes me ashamed to be British.
Get real. You seriously believe those who throw shit at the police, smash up and torch hotels would cut it out if the PM used your style of communications.
These are feral out of control thugs and need calling out for what they are. PM and HS are well on point with their public condemnations.
Course you will because Sky News haven’t got any skin in the game…

I presume you are implying they want the riots to continue for good TV? Then surely having a PM stoke the flames would be what they want rather than trying to acknowledge the protesters might have felt aggrieved by his words? I.e offering some balanced reporting.

Your post (and those who liked it) shows you have a mistrust in our news etc etc … why do you think the misinformation took hold so quickly with such disgraceful consequences?
Get real. You seriously believe those who throw shit at the police, smash up and torch hotels would cut it out if the PM used your style of communications.
These are feral out of control thugs and need calling out for what they are. PM and HS are well on point with their public condemnations.

I explained it in my post.

They are thugs. That’s all he had to say.

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