The Labour Government

You all think it's going to be a land of milk and honey, you are in for a fucking big shock, sort your pensions out because they will be out to get you, again
Of course it wont, largely because the Tory scum have tripled the National Debt, crashed the economy and increased the interest rates on it, as well as wasting and stealing £billions.

BUT at least now we have some serious sensible and respectable people in charge who have a clear plan and are not a cabal of self-serving gaslighting ex-Etonion millionaires running things for their own benefit.

We now have people who have earned their positions, and who are appointing people with knowledge and expertise in the areas they are working in. These are people who are working for the country rather than themselves or their party political interests

There is hope that we will overcome the problems caused by the last 14 years of rule by the scum .
You all think it's going to be a land of milk and honey, you are in for a fucking big shock, sort your pensions out because they will be out to get you, again
I dont think anyone thinks that, in fact we all want to pay more taxes to fix things. We all are aware that Labour will get crucified by the media trying to bring them down this time. And we all know how hard it is going to be for Labour to achieve anything with the state things have been left in.

But lets not forget who has got us to this point over the last god knows how long. Anything was better than that, unless your standard are SO low you accept that shit.
Law and order first please Labour.

Ohh and make sure scruffy Jim doesn't get any cash from the government.

Not sure they will be listening to people who voted for Reform UK first instead of their own voters.

As prisons are overcrowding and falling apart it's not likely long prison sentences will be handed out like smarties.

The new prison's minister is the chair of the prison's reform trust, it's likely that there will be more work release schemes to move people out of prisons quicker (excluding the obvious, lifers murderers and rapists) and community based sentences.

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