The Labour Government

Check out the average house price , that 4 to 7% figure is expected to nearly double in the next five years. So the tax take will go up massively regardless.

The 4% is the current figure. The 7% is the 'nearly doubling".

The average home price is approx £290k.

Inheritance tax, if you're passing to kids/grandkids is £500k. That's the tax free bit too. Anyone inheriting £500k+ is also now one of the top few % richest people, so can afford to pay the tax.

It's a tax that is only paid by the wealthiest.
I think you'll find all our public services are compulsory. The public servants who operate them and their union representatives (who control the Labour Party) will ensure that is the case.
This is so naive. The public servants are workers, the same as you and me. The union are workers, the same as you and me. Not all unions are affiliated to Labour.

So let's assume the amount of funding to local councils is frozen. Which public services are you willing to lose? Libraries, street cleaning, refuse collections? Not all are complsory but they all have to be paid for somehow. The key is how much we as a society are prepared to pay and for what.
I do think that a lot of the moaners don't understand the WFA entitlement only applies if you were born before 23rd Sept 1958 so as people die off so with the WFA liability - and that had already been done by the last Tory administration.

Hahaha. You’ve had an absolute shocker.
your state pension is next
That's the worry... They call it an "allowance" so I assume that it will become means tested at some point under this government. In that way they can give away the state pension that hard working people will lose because they had the means (or audacity) to create private pension pots for themselves. They can then give that share to people who didn't have the means to create a private pension pot (or who thought fuck it, I'll do as little as possible and reap the rewards).

I can see that causing some major unrest...

My state pension isn't due for another 6 years so I doubt I'll ever see it....
What a load of bollocks. I bet you're a Tice supporter where some of his supporters believe the removal of the WFA is a form of genocide.
Only in your head.
Sadly I voted for this clown because the last lot were clowns.
Careful what you wish for is the order of the day.
Looks like we got rid of Bozo and got CoCo instead.
BTW Do you really think getting rid of the Winter Heating Allowance is a good policy?
Serriosly, wealthier pensioners pay tax and tapering the allowance based on the amount of tax they actually pay is what they should be doing - so the allowance disappears if a pensioner pays, say, £3,000 ponds tax a year.
The way they have done it is dangerous and will result in a vast amount of hardship and pension credit claims that wouldn't have happened otherwise. In fact it is actually unlikely to save much of any money at all and will cause a lot of hardship especially those who are proud and have an aversion to claiming benefits.
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Tax big business, tax the very wealthy, tax the non doms, but they have to be very careful with things like CGT and small buiness taxes. These are the Uks wealth creators, put them out of buiness and the country could easily slide back into recession. Sectors of it like construction are still in recession. Starmer and Reeves have a very difficult juggling act on their hands next month.
That's the worry... They call it an "allowance" so I assume that it will become means tested at some point under this government so they can give away the share that hard working people will lose because they had the means (or audacity) to create private pension pots for themselves...

I can see that causing some major unrest...

My OAP isn't due for another 6 years so I doubt I'll ever see it....
I made peace with the fact there won’t be a state pension around by the time I’m at an age to receive it long ago.
I’m 48.
BBC Verify

Did the government just find out about an extra £5bn of borrowing?published at 11:35 British Summer Time
11:35 BST​

Prime Minister Keir Starmer said: “Just last Wednesday we found out that, thanks to the last government’s recklessness, we’ve borrowed almost £5bn more than the OBR expected in the last three months alone.”

Starmer is referring to the monthly public sector finance figures, which show the gap between what the government spends and what it raises in taxes.

The government borrowed £51.4bn between April and July this year, external, which was £4.7bn more than the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) forecast in March.

The OBR said the gap “appears related to strong growth in public sector pay, external”.

As the figures are published monthly, however, this gap between the forecast and the actual borrowing figures was not a complete surprise, as June figures were £3.2bn above the OBR forecast, external.
That's the worry... They call it an "allowance" so I assume that it will become means tested at some point under this government so they can give away the share that hard working people will lose because they had the means (or audacity) to create private pension pots for themselves...

I can see that causing some major unrest...

My OAP isn't due for another 6 years so I doubt I'll ever see it....
The twats who don't willingly work will be fine ...........druggies, scrotes, lazy cunts, free everything for you.

Something isn't right about that.

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