The Labour Government

The 4% is the current figure. The 7% is the 'nearly doubling".

The average home price is approx £290k.

Inheritance tax, if you're passing to kids/grandkids is £500k. That's the tax free bit too. Anyone inheriting £500k+ is also now one of the top few % richest people, so can afford to pay the tax.

It's a tax that is only paid by the wealthiest.
On assets they have already paid tax on.
your state pension is next
That may be true to a degree. There is no doubt that the ability for a diminishing working population to pay the pensions of an increasing elderly population is going to be a real challenge. If a universal pension is to continue as it is there will come a time when it will be unsustainable. Not an opinion, just a mathematical fact.
That's the worry... They call it an "allowance" so I assume that it will become means tested at some point under this government so they can give away the share that hard working people will lose because they had the means (or audacity) to create private pension pots for themselves...

I can see that causing some major unrest...

My OAP isn't due for another 6 years so I doubt I'll ever see it....

Even the most right wing of governments wouldn't plan on means testing the main state pension.

It's an absolutely crazy idea that seems to have been floated mostly as a scare tactic in the right wing press.

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