The Labour Government

Inheritance tax, this has effectively increased year on year with house inflation anyway. It also mostly affects those that have savings and assets built up after already paying tax. So people end up being taxed twice on the same earnings. Its an awful tax that needs abolishing or at least having its threshold raised significantly.

Why would it need raising? It affects something like 4%-7% of estates.

If it was abolished, half the total savings would go to the top 1% of the population.

It's currently targeted at the very richest people in society. Why on earth would they be the people we target with a tax cut?
What a load of socialist clap trap nonsense. People dont hang on to their assets after death. Do your research!

Educate yourself.

It's very generous when you include Nil rate bands.

The taxing twice is nonsense anyway because you are taxing the beneficiaries.

I’ve enjoyed every single minute of yours and the rest of the gangs enthusiasm and optimism the last few years that’s for sure.

Just need some self awareness now and you will all be fine ;-)
I’ll give it more than a few months before deciding if they are going to kill off the population or not. It was never going to be sunshine and rainbows. The Tory voters know that and are using the fact they have walked into a bit of a cluster fuck as an excuse to hammer them at every opportunity. Seems that’s the way politics work these days in the U.K.

Self awareness? Haha!
Why would it need raising? It affects something like 4%-7% of estates.

If it was abolished, half the total savings would go to the top 1% of the propulation.

It's currently targeted at the very richest people in society. Why on earth would they be the people we target with a tax cut?
Check out the average house price , that 4 to 7% figure is expected to nearly double in the next five years. So the tax take will go up massively regardless.
Loving Starmer's speech this morning - nearly every point was a bare faced lie.
Basically the so called "Black Hole" is actually a "Red Hole" to fund Labour spending commitments and freeze folk to death who only get the basic state pension pension or a little bit more besides.
How knew Seniside was Labour policy?
What a load of bollocks. I bet you're a Tice supporter where some of his supporters believe the removal of the WFA is a form of genocide.
Educate yourself.

It's very generous when you include Nil rate bands.

The taxing twice is nonsense anyway because you are taxing the beneficiaries.

Taxing an asset you have already paid tax on is taxing it twice. Whatever socialist spin you try and put on it.

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