The Labour Government

The argument is sound it's all about the delivery.

Public transport. Rail re-nationalisation along with allowing councils to run a Burnham like bus policy is doable if done correctly.

NHS/Emergency services/Prisons etc could be harder. Robot Reeves possibly hands them over to BlackRock in some PFI branding bullshit. Which will cost us in the long term and speed up the country being run as a corporocracy.
Burnham's bus franchises may be dearer than he thought.
Too much to reply to, but going down the "it's all the foreigner's fault" rabbit hole is so naive. Just for accuracy, the Reading Heathrow Rail link was postponed indefinitely in 2020, so nothing to do with Starmer. But hey, why let facts get in the way? Oh, by the way, Leonardo are owned by Johnny Foreigner!
I'm not blaming anyon on "Johnny Foreigner" but you do have to question the priorities of any government which wilfully gives away £11bn in foreign aid - the necessity of which some of it is VERY questionable indeed - whilst at the same time taking money of its own old age pensioners. Do you not think?
I'm not blaming anyon on "Johnny Foreigner" but you do have to question the priorities of any government which wilfully gives away £11bn in foreign aid - the necessity of which some of it is VERY questionable indeed - whilst at the same time taking money of its own old age pensioners. Do you not think?

They could at least allow the UK based foreign pensioners to keep their heating allowance.
I haven’t missed the point at all. One of the biggest problems in this country is the wealthy hoarding money and passing that hoarded money on-whilst it gives a ‘leg up’ to those children fortunate enough to win the race to the egg everyone else is penalised-it’s a skewed system.

The overwhelming majority don’t pay it.

And you’re still dead.

Wasn’t it initially brought in an attempt to create some wealth redistribution? That’s what this country needs, not more austerity which impacts on the poorest most of all.
Everyone else isn't *penalised* by someone keeping their own money. That's like saying you are being penalised by not winning the lottery. I get that you'd like to have someone elses money, but you cannot describe your not having it as you being "penalised".
I'm not blaming anyon on "Johnny Foreigner" but you do have to question the priorities of any government which wilfully gives away £11bn in foreign aid - the necessity of which some of it is VERY questionable indeed - whilst at the same time taking money of its own old age pensioners. Do you not think?
Come on now, if India are ever to get a man on the moon, someone has to pay for it.
Come on now, if India are ever to get a man on the moon, someone has to pay for it.
It pisses me off enough that the UK, which accounts for 2% of global CO2 emmissions, should be hell bent on ludicrous net zero targets which will make absolutely FUCK ALL difference to climate change. And then I find that we are giving several billion of our own money to other countries, to help them with their own cimate change initiatives???!?!

Tough choices? Yeah right.
Every time we have one of these types of discussions we hear the term "hardworking people". I don't know if they've published it recently but the last two times the ISSP published data in this space, what is striking is that in the vast majority of countries the hours worked by the top and lowest decile income workers are either about the same or the lowest income decile workers work longer hours than than the highest income decile workers. I think in Belgium and maybe Germany the highest income workers work a few hours more than the lowest earners but apart from those two, broadly speaking people at the bottom of the income scale either work harder or as hard for a fraction of the income.

This is not to have a pop at the concept of being hard working but simply to point out that in an of itself it has little to do with the amount of income/wealth one generates.
Every time we have one of these types of discussions we hear the term "hardworking people". I don't know if they've published it recently but the last two times the ISSP published data in this space, what is striking is that in the vast majority of countries the hours worked by the top and lowest decile income workers are either about the same or the lowest income decile workers work longer hours than than the highest income decile workers. I think in Belgium and maybe Germany the highest income workers work a few hours more than the lowest earners but apart from those two, broadly speaking people at the bottom of the income scale either work harder or as hard for a fraction of the income.

This is not to have a pop at the concept of being hard working but simply to point out that in an of itself it has little to do with the amount of income/wealth one generates.
Lower earners work longer just to get that extra cash, if they could get the same for 8 hours as they do 12 they’d snatch your have off.

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