The Labour Government

So in your mind, willfully doing what the public do not want is OK for any government? Let's leave it there, I am sure we are not going to agree on this.

Regards your 2nd paragraph, the impact of Brexit being greater than the loss to the economy from e.g. COVID, I would say is very debatable. The 2nd part about Truss is just complete nonsense, pure and simple. It's not even certain that the bond market crash was actually her fault, but even if it was, the impact in the scheme of things is trivial at most. Inflation rates were high and rising anway. World-wide inflation rates were shooting up, and yes if we accept that Truss messed up then she made it marginally worse. But to say that her actions had a bigger impact on the economy than COVID is just incorrect. All too easy for critics to blame her when in fact there were far bigger forces at play.
Sorry, but when you’re wed to a political party to this embarrassing level there’s no point discussing anything with you so I’m out.
As you’ll know the government tax an amount per litre and they can control that or they could pass legislation to control thr margins the retailer makes (which is a fraction of what the government “earns”). What they cannot control is how much the retailer has to pay for the fuel (which will be feedstock + refining + delivery), they could potentially control the delivery costs for the domestic part.

So they can’t control the price at the pump.

Look how quick they put prices up when the oil price goes up, look how slow they bring it down when the price goes down. Then tax the fuck out of them. Tell them If they pass this onto the customer they will tax the fuck out of them even more.

We have the piss taken out of us, fuck companies and their profiteering. We have a govt with a large majority. They can pass laws designed to fuck over companies taking the piss if the will is there.

Or they can take the easy option and fuck us over and let others do the same.

I'm not even slightly hopeful though:-)
I see Labour MP's are rebelling about the proposed outside smoking ban that wasn't in the manifesto.
Not that I'm a smoker but thank goodness for that.
The only problem is moving smokers away from pub/club doors.
Probably alcohol next.
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I see Labour MP's are rebelling about the proposed outside smoking ban that wasn't in the manifesto.
Not that I'm a smoker but thank goodness for that.
The only problem is moving smokers away from pub/club doors.
Probably alcohol next.
just seen news on it, as someone who has never smoked I find it rpuitanical bollocks, some people still smoke treating them like lepers is a cunts trick, I habe no issue with smoking in beer gardens or being sat with people who do.

I would ban children from pubs before I fully ban smokers, then as adults you choose to sit near a smokers and of so then on your head be it.
just seen news on it, as someone who has never smoked I find it rpuitanical bollocks, some people still smoke treating them like lepers is a cunts trick, I habe no issue with smoking in beer gardens or being sat with people who do.

I would ban children from pubs before I fully ban smokers, then as adults you choose to sit near a smokers and of so then on your head be it.
Five minutes in a busy street must be worth a lifetime of smokers output in a garden. I once stood in a doorway after a business meeting and had a cigarette while waiting for the rain to clear. A woman across the street said to her husband in a very loud voice: “Look at that man polluting our air.”
Then their chauffeur driven Roller came to pick them up. YCNMIU.
Look how quick they put prices up when the oil price goes up, look how slow they bring it down when the price goes down. Then tax the fuck out of them. Tell them If they pass this onto the customer they will tax the fuck out of them even more.

We have the piss taken out of us, fuck companies and their profiteering. We have a govt with a large majority. They can pass laws designed to fuck over companies taking the piss if the will is there.

Or they can take the easy option and fuck us over and let others do the same.

I'm not even slightly hopeful though:-)

Definitely mate. Makes you think there is some sort of collusion as they all charge about the same in any given area.
just seen news on it, as someone who has never smoked I find it rpuitanical bollocks, some people still smoke treating them like lepers is a cunts trick, I habe no issue with smoking in beer gardens or being sat with people who do.

I would ban children from pubs before I fully ban smokers, then as adults you choose to sit near a smokers and of so then on your head be it.

As someone who deals with habitual smokers on a daily basis I'm all for it. The most prolific smokers need us to make the habit absolutely fucking miserable for them so they are forced by circumstances to stop. Many lack the will power and rationality to make changes and some even find weird justifications and claim vaping and nicotine replacement is worse than smoking. Nutters.

There is no such thing as the human right to smoke.

It's a disgusting habit and it harms all of us because we have to pay for the cost of treating their pointless self inflicted health conditions.
just seen news on it, as someone who has never smoked I find it rpuitanical bollocks, some people still smoke treating them like lepers is a cunts trick, I habe no issue with smoking in beer gardens or being sat with people who do.

I would ban children from pubs before I fully ban smokers, then as adults you choose to sit near a smokers and of so then on your head be it.
I would suggest that any politician of any persuasion, looking at the state of the UK and thinking “I know what to do, let’s ban people having a cigarette in beer gardens”, must know deep down there are far more serious issues to deal with but they’ve no idea where to start.
As someone who deals with habitual smokers on a daily basis I'm all for it. The most prolific smokers need us to make the habit absolutely fucking miserable for them so they are forced by circumstances to stop. Many lack the will power and rationality to make changes and some even find weird justifications and claim vaping and nicotine replacement is worse than smoking. Nutters.

There is no such thing as the human right to smoke.

It's a disgusting habit and it harms all of us because we have to pay for the cost of treating their pointless self inflicted health conditions.
But what about those whose mental health and general health be made even more worse due to becoming forced social outcasts even more.

Banning things doesn't automatically help those that need it most, and allowing smokers an area to smoke in the company of others who are accepting of it doesn't mean forcing their habit on others.

plenty of pubs now have designated area and no smokong areas in beer gardens, a complete ban won't necessarily mean someone will give up, but does ostracise them even more from society.

Just seems.starmer has found a now minor issue to be puritanicl about, I don't drive and don't want to breathe in car fumes, imagine if we baned cars in urban areas, which will be just as helpful for our health, no one would stand for it as the majority drive.

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