The Labour Government

Using the less harmful vapes and you are less restricted seems a reasonable strategy to me.

If someone developed an alcohol which was less harmful to the liver, I’d be all for phasing out the alcohol used now.
There is a lack of evidence on vapes. That doesn't mean safer it's a guess. Alcohol causes a lot more damage than to the liver. So as we seem obsessed with making society(I hate that word) risk free let's ban it, let's ban and restrict anything that can cause danger to oneself and others.
Its easy to restrict something when someone doesn't do it, fortunately there are still some people around who see the hypocrisy in things.

I think the balance is currently fine, people have a choice, the tax pays for the cost to society certainly as much as anything else does. The risk to those inadvertently getting a wiff of smoke is minuscule to be almost non existent.
There is a lack of evidence on vapes. That doesn't mean safer it's a guess. Alcohol causes a lot more damage than to the liver. So as we seem obsessed with making society(I hate that word) risk free let's ban it, let's ban and restrict anything that can cause danger to oneself and others.
Its easy to restrict something when someone doesn't do it, fortunately there are still some people around who see the hypocrisy in things.

I think the balance is currently fine, people have a choice, the tax pays for the cost to society certainly as much as anything else does. The risk to those inadvertently getting a wiff of smoke is minuscule to be almost non existent.
Fair enough.

File under bloke disagrees with potential policy.
I was all for the smoking ban indoors but this is fucking bonkers.
I was always lead to believe that smokers more than covered their cost to the NHS due to tax. Where's all that money gonna come from if everyone stops?
There is a lack of evidence on vapes. That doesn't mean safer it's a guess. Alcohol causes a lot more damage than to the liver. So as we seem obsessed with making society(I hate that word) risk free let's ban it, let's ban and restrict anything that can cause danger to oneself and others.
Its easy to restrict something when someone doesn't do it, fortunately there are still some people around who see the hypocrisy in things.

I think the balance is currently fine, people have a choice, the tax pays for the cost to society certainly as much as anything else does. The risk to those inadvertently getting a wiff of smoke is minuscule to be almost non existent.

Can't stand vaping me, cheers for letting me inhale your strawberry breath haha. I actually think it's disgusting that smoking cigs was replaced with a product aimed at getting kids and teens hooked on nicotine it is rife. And some of these vapes contain 20 cigs worth of nicotine and they puff on them none stop. I think the current setup with smokers in beer gardens is fine, rather more effort went into helping people stop without treating them like lepers.
Using the less harmful vapes and you are less restricted seems a reasonable strategy to me.

If someone developed an alcohol which was less harmful to the liver, I’d be all for phasing out the alcohol used now.

around 75k deaths per year are a result of smoking tobacco - one person dies every five minutes - not my figures they are from CRUK. Imagine if cigarettes had just been invented and someone proposed to sell something that killed 75k of its consumers annually there would be outcry.

Remember there has been outcries over vapes and possible harm so I don't get what is going on other than because its a Labour Govt proposition its a bad one. Many seem to forget Sunak's proposals on smoking - in the manifesto - was an ultimate phasing out of smoking aiming for a smoke free Britain by 2030. Don't recall Tories outrage at that plan - probably because it came from "their side"

Smoking costs the NHS £17bn per year.
I was all for the smoking ban indoors but this is fucking bonkers.
I was always lead to believe that smokers more than covered their cost to the NHS due to tax. Where's all that money gonna come from if everyone stops?

This tax year the taxes on Tobacco are predicted to be £8.8bn. The NHS reckons smoking related disease treatments cost it £17bn. There are also other costs to the economy you have to factor in.
How exciting, the smokers get to form their own type of 1930’s speakeasy……illicit secret smoking bars popping up all over the uk…..wish I smoked now just for the craic.
around 75k deaths per year are a result of smoking tobacco - one person dies every five minutes - not my figures they are from CRUK. Imagine if cigarettes had just been invented and someone proposed to sell something that killed 75k of its consumers annually there would be outcry.

Remember there has been outcries over vapes and possible harm so I don't get what is going on other than because its a Labour Govt proposition its a bad one. Many seem to forget Sunak's proposals on smoking - in the manifesto - was an ultimate phasing out of smoking aiming for a smoke free Britain by 2030. Don't recall Tories outrage at that plan - probably because it came from "their side"

Smoking costs the NHS £17bn per year.
I think a lot of the annoyance around this policy is the feeling of being controlled more.

Different countries are all trying to irradiate cigarettes and are trying different methods of doing it. I’m not sure focussing on beer gardens is the best method and expect it never to happen.

Making them £30 a pack would be more effective.

I’ve had family members die from smoking related diseases. It’s grim.
Can't stand vaping me, cheers for letting me inhale your strawberry breath haha. I actually think it's disgusting that smoking cigs was replaced with a product aimed at getting kids and teens hooked on nicotine it is rife. And some of these vapes contain 20 cigs worth of nicotine and they puff on them none stop. I think the current setup with smokers in beer gardens is fine, rather more effort went into helping people stop without treating them like lepers.

Nicotine isn't actually that harmful. It's all the other shit in the cigarettes. There's enough research for us to know that vaping isn't as bad as smoking. It's not harmfree though.

The goverment plans to get rid of all the disposable flavoured shit that attracts young people.

Smokers get plenty of support to stop smoking. The problem is that they don't stay quit for very long. So we need to push the people who will never consistently quit smoking, into vaping instead.

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