The Labour Government

There are better things to do but they can't see 'em for the smoke in the beer gardens.
Keirs dad used to smoke woodbines and get twatted on pale ale. Poor keir had to just sit and watch bored shitless all weekend. All that time he could have spent at the library or collecting his stamps.

Makes sense really now the scar tissue left behind as you get older.
It's so laughably bad and adults with so called brains are falling for it, I mean we allow people to shoplift, literally walk in to a shop and just take shit. How the hell is this even enforceable? What's in front of a pub and what's not? What if the wind is blowing towards the pub or across the pub.

Excuse me sir can you stand 7 feet further away please, why he isn't over there, hes down wind:-)

They brought a similar thing into force in Spain. You can only smoke in non crowded areas. No more outside bars etc. Hilarious watching people smoking on the pavements leaning over barriers talking to ther friends.

It's frightening the fucking idiots who think of these things are actually in charge.
He could stop some of his best customers from drinking an addictive poison because they were smoking an addictive poison outside I agree.
And then they can drink and smoke outside somewhere else. Fortunately pubs make that much it matters not, phew.

Must be the selfish wankers dragging their kids there propping them up. The non smoking ones.

A lot of landlords smoke though come to think about it. Bloody hell double up chaps he will spend half his time stood on the other side of the road.

Wind permitting.
Not that many people smoke these days compared to years ago, maybe vaping a bit more but gone are they days of twenty people stood in the pissing rain having a fag, but then again many can’t afford to go out to drink these days either. I do laugh though when they people say they are skint and are literally burning money before their eyes. If they want to smoke do it, just don’t blow it in my direction or there will be words, and if you want to die early go for it.
Which places in particular do you mean? Or which area of Manchester?

I agree alcohol is just as bad, but it's pretty disingenuous to equate alcohol consumption with passive smoking.
Absolutely loads of pubs have shut down across greater Manchester. Obviously there are a number of reasons why, but the smoking ban absolutely played a part in that.

A lot of people I know smoke/smoked for the social element of it and when they ban came in gradually they went to the pub less, as they couldn’t be bothered standing outside, especially in the winter.

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