The Labour Government

They can smoke outside pubs, just not in the beer gardens. At least, that's how I've interpreted the new proposals.

As for them being affected I couldn't argue with you against that, because I've got no stats to back that up. But growing up my mates and I would always head to pubs in and around town that were rammed, they were thriving then and still are now. Maybe some pubs in rural areas were, but I honestly don't think you could find a correlation.

There are a lot less pubs nowadays mate, not a little a lot. Anyhow you ban smoking in beer gardens, when does the beer garden start and finish, say there is also a car park there? You can't smoke outside of the pub door, is that 1 foot away 2 foot 10 foot?
Say smokers have to congregate away from the pub somewhat. Let's say like spoons sometimes make you do. So those walking past on the pavement may get the dreaded waft of smoke. Let's say they don't drop dead on the spot:-) and then go into the pub. What's the point.
Hell you might not even have been going in the pub anyhow.

I quit smoking over a decade ago, i don't like the smell anymore and if I'm honest I prefer to avoid temptation even after this long. I can honestly say people smoking in a beer garden or outside a pub has never interfered with me. There is a limit on how much we should interfere in people's lives before the world becomes a very boring sterile place.

People seriously need to get some common sense, they're actual real world problems to worry about.
Not that many people smoke these days compared to years ago, maybe vaping a bit more but gone are they days of twenty people stood in the pissing rain having a fag, but then again many can’t afford to go out to drink these days either. I do laugh though when they people say they are skint and are literally burning money before their eyes. If they want to smoke do it, just don’t blow it in my direction or there will be words, and if you want to die early go for it.
Less people smoking in groups less need for action then, its frightening when you think back to how bad pubs used to be indoors. Banning that was a very good move even for the smokers themselves.
Bringing in an unenforceable law is pointless though.
There are a lot less pubs nowadays mate, not a little a lot. Anyhow you ban smoking in beer gardens, when does the beer garden start and finish, say there is also a car park there? You can't smoke outside of the pub door, is that 1 foot away 2 foot 10 foot?
Say smokers have to congregate away from the pub somewhat. Let's say like spoons sometimes make you do. So those walking past on the pavement may get the dreaded waft of smoke. Let's say they don't drop dead on the spot:-) and then go into the pub. What's the point.
Hell you might not even have been going in the pub anyhow.

I quit smoking over a decade ago, i don't like the smell anymore and if I'm honest I prefer to avoid temptation even after this long. I can honestly say people smoking in a beer garden or outside a pub has never interfered with me. There is a limit on how much we should interfere in people's lives before the world becomes a very boring sterile place.

People seriously need to get some common sense, they're actual real world problems to worry about.
It’s not about passive smoking though? It’s making smoking less compatible with modern society.

This is vaping would still be allowed in open air public spaces.
Making smoking less compatibility with modern society?

I don't even know what that means and why.
Using the less harmful vapes and you are less restricted seems a reasonable strategy to me.

If someone developed an alcohol which was less harmful to the liver, I’d be all for phasing out the alcohol used now.

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