The Labour Government

There’s a fair few idiots on here who believe the horseshit about £22bn.

Hook, line and sinker. Absolute stooges the lot of them.
No need to get angry, mate. The only thing people need to understand is that the Tories ran the country into the ground, diminishing its standing on the global stage, and it’s going to take an enormous effort to turn things around.

We’re all in this together.
How big is the black hole then ?
Depends on the mass and the angular momentum :-) Does my head in why the the press and politicians (regardless of colour) love to use these terms in their rhetoric. Let’s call it what it is “a budget deficit”. Relative to GDP, at a reported £22Bn its just under 1%.
The millions that die each year as a result, directly or indirectly, of smoking. Those statistics.

If you've been smoking for 50 years then you can count yourself very lucky that you have a clean bill of health. You're not proof that smoking is a blasé pastime; you're an exception to a very grim rule.

Ultimately, I'm not really arsed if the new law comes into effect. I just think it's a sensible idea and shouldn't lead to indignant crying from smokers.
And u think a beer garden ban is gonna alter those stats.
Depends on the mass and the angular momentum :-) Does my head in why the the press and politicians (regardless of colour) love to use these terms in their rhetoric. Let’s call it what it is “a budget deficit”. Relative to GDP, at a reported £22Bn its just under 1%.

I don't even think it's a "current" budget deficit, though I might be wrong. It's not my domain.

My understanding is the OBR guidelines require that over a 5-year time horizon the forecast achieves a surplus in the final year. I think the £22Bn is the supposed shortfall in the final year of that 5-year forecast.

Because let's be frank, the country is in deficit - it has been since 2001. This is entirely normal, something like 90% of countries operate at a deficit - providing the growth from investment is sufficient to service the debt, borrowing is a perfectly healthy way to run an economy.

This is the problem with this rhetoric, the £22Bn figure might turn out to be a real forecast deficit - time will tell - but that doesn't mean we need to cut and tax in the name of eliminating any deficit, that would actually be quite an arbitrary line to draw and in truth, the economy is more complex than that.

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