The Labour Government

I’ll wait until they have had 12 months to implement their plans to get the U.K. out of the shit it’s been left in before I make any snap judgments one way or another.
If they do prove over time ( and 3 months isn’t anywhere near enough, even for the attack dogs who have camped in this thread since the election) that they are no better than those they replaced then they will rightly be castigated.
The conservatives have a few years to get their shit together, if they do they will be voted back in and round and round we go.
As it stands though, there’s no redeeming qualities whatsoever about that mob and I doubt things would be any better right now had they stayed in power. Those thinking it would be are deluded.
So you would be OK with Labour axing the single person council tax discount?
A yes or no answer will be suffice.
Scrapped Rwanda plan and the Barge. Terrible gimmicks.

Junior doctor pay rises - no strikes.

Hardly any Train strikes at present.

Working with EU again and leading nations.

Dealt with the riots and locking up dangerous racist fuckwits.

GB Energy looks a great initiative - and not relying on foreign investors.

Coming down on the water firms.

Tacking the massive 22 billion hole the Tories let happen.

Early days but a great start considering the mess of a nation they inherited.

Remember when Sunak and the Tories kept repeatably saying that Labour have no plan!

Some of their policies are good, others are bad.

Their huge tax increases and targeting of the wealthy is a real sickener though and means we will move abroad to avoid fucking huge annual tax bills. I don’t see how it’s fair to tax people on foreign income that stays abroad, so I’d rather move away and we’ll spend our money elsewhere.

Also, Labour seem to be reverting to type and being absolutely shite for defence despite the current state of the world and Russia in particular. Some serious investment in the Navy and in air defence is needed yet they are actually planning more cuts.
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So you would be OK with Labour axing the single person council tax discount?
A yes or no answer will be suffice.
I’m not ok with any decision any government makes that will potentially lead to hardship of the most vulnerable in society.
I’ll wait and see what happens though before deciding that this is the worst Labour Party in history.
An old statistic from a footnote in Tony Judt’s Ill Fares the Land:

‘In its last year of operation, 1994, state-owned British Rail cost the taxpayer £950 million. By 2008, Network Rail, its semiprivate successor company, cost taxpayers £5 billion.’

And from the same page:

‘The only reason that private investors are willing to purchase inefficient public goods is because the state eliminates or reduces their exposure to risk…The purchasing companies were assured that whatever happened they would be protected against serious loss - thereby undermining the economic case for privatization: the workings of the profit motive…The outcome has been the worst sort of ‘mixed economy’: individual enterprise indefinitely underwritten by public funds.’
I’m not ok with any decision any government makes that will potentially lead to hardship of the most vulnerable in society.
I’ll wait and see what happens though before deciding that this is the worst Labour Party in history.
They are far from being the worst Labour Party in history. That is an extremely high bar to be fair.
However, they are shaping up to be the most disliked Labour Party in history, which is also a very high bar.
They are far from being the worst Labour Party in history. That is an extremely high bar to be fair.
However, they are shaping up to be the most disliked Labour Party in history, which is also a very high bar.
Not everyone is as rabid as you in their dislike of them.
Like I said, it’s worth revisiting after 12 months.
How Tory industrial policy works:

'Does it pay?'
'Shut it down.'
'But it's a vital strategic industry! If we close it we'll be entirely dependent on foreigners for <important strategic product>'.
'Never mind, shut it anyway. What could possibly go wrong?'
'It's a vital public service.'
'Well, if we really can't shut it, transfer it to the public sector. If it still makes losses we can blame it on inefficient public-sector management.'
'Trebles all round.'
‘Vengeful dislike of the elderly and pensioners’

You lot are fucking insane.

I thought literally two days ago because of the triple lock it was announced the pension is increasing by £400. Am I imagining it?

Surely, if they hated old people so much and were really listening to the metropolitan elite, the very first thing they would do is get rid of the economically insane triple-lock? It would save a fucking shed load as pensions are the most expensive part of the welfare bill. And the triple-lock is extremely unpopular with anybody under 40 in London. With enough time, it is mathematically certain to bankrupt the country.

I should caveat - I have nothing against the £400 increase. Our national pension isn't exactly good, and I'm not monotonously tribal like some of the people in here. But the idea of locking it into these rated increases has turned it into a toxic political football which will fuck us immensely years down the line.

If I was a metropolitan elite who hated the elderly - it is blindingly obvious that ditching this is the first thing I would do. Forget the single person tax discount, people seem to be conveniently forgetting that this benefits young professionals with no families as well. You know... the young metropolitan elite.

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