The Labour Government

And what will certain members of the public working be getting as rises? My last 3 years in work I got nil, nada, zero pay rises, but still paid my NI contributions for 40 years to fund the state. The £400 is nothing to do with this government, its triple lock which existed before I was on state pension.
If it's the 5.71% that's predicted it'll be circa £650 which you fully deserve after paying in for 40 years.

What some people don't realise is the current cost of living increases eats into the savings us FOC's have made to make our retired life comfortable whereby some people in employment are now getting inflation busting pay rises.

A brick layer I know is now charging £300'a day and his "hod carrier" gets £170 a day, equivalent to £40k per year for a labourer.
£400 is peanuts. The UK state pension is very low relative to most, if not all other Western European countries. That’s one of the reasons the triple lock was introduced. To improve that situation. £220 a week is hardly generous. As I recently explained to the 23yo son of one of my friends, who was complaining about it: you will be an OAP one day. And that day will come much quicker than he could ever imagine. Be careful what you wish for, and even more careful what you vote for…

A few of the purple posters on here have got themselves into a support Labour at all costs mess on this. For years they have rightfully moaned how our state pension is poor and compared to a lot of other European countries it is. We should be paying them more they rightfully cried.
When energy prices went up they demanded more help from the Tories for everyone including pensioners and rightly so.
Then a strange thing happened their party immediately scrapped the fuel allowance for all those not on pension benefits. They knew those above the line could well struggle but no they had to defend their party. All of a sudden their beliefs suddenly changed, those rich pensioners sod them but rather alarmingly those pensioners who aren't wealthy well that's their own fault. They should have got themselves a nice private pension like they have. The posters who hate the I'm alright Jack's of this world are now behaving like them.
Now the state pension is going up again in April so I presume they will be against this because a lot of those pensioners have a private pension? No? Thought not its like they're not judging a policy just the people delivering it.
The best though are the ones saying yeah but they're getting a rise in April.

I never knew winter starts in April next year or that Germans don't have private pensions which is why they get better state pensions.

Do we want decent state pensions and warm pensioners or not. The answer shouldn't be based on the party you vote for.
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The problem with governments is that they bring in initiatives that are hard to take away once they have done it without causing a shit storm. The winter fuel allowance being one.

The Tory party cut national insurance by 2% when no one was asking for this and they knew that they were almost certainly going to lose an election. That just creates a bigger tax hole.
And what will certain members of the public working be getting as rises? My last 3 years in work I got nil, nada, zero pay rises, but still paid my NI contributions for 40 years to fund the state. The £400 is nothing to do with this government, its triple lock which existed before I was on state pension.
Dunno about your first question but it's irrelevant to my point.
The triplelock was a manifesto promise from Labour at the last election. They are now in power so has everything to do with this government.
£400 is peanuts. The UK state pension is very low relative to most, if not all other Western European countries. That’s one of the reasons the triple lock was introduced. To improve that situation. £220 a week is hardly generous. As I recently explained to the 23yo son of one of my friends, who was complaining about it: you will be an OAP one day. And that day will come much quicker than he could ever imagine. Be careful what you wish for, and even more careful what you vote for…
Does that mean the wfp is even more 'peanuts'?

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