The Labour Government

Lying about Brexit? The government supported remain.
I was mainly talking about its' implementation. We all know Cameron supported remain butnot very well, but the way they then allowed the ERG to take over and the present shambles it has turned into. Just imagine if GDP hadn't been 4% lower per annum. Maybe those who mainly voted for it wouldn't be losing some universal benefits.
I fundamentally, completely, disagree with you.

My employer pays ME to do work for them. They give ME the money. The government does not have any of its own money, only money it takes off working people like me. They take money that my employer pays ME and grab some of it for themselves. It does not become THEIR money when they do that. It is OUR money, that they are using to fund XYZ.

Similarly a thief cannot say this is MY money when he has stolen money off you. It is YOUR money that the thief has stolen. It is not the thiefs money.

Now everyone accepts that we need a level of taxation to pay for public services and that is fine. But please do not fall into the trap of thinking that the government is spending its own money. It isn't. It is spending your, and other taxpayers, money.

No what you are describing is the situation as you want it to be.

What I described is the situation as it exists in this country in legal fact.

Your position is not dissimilar to all taxation is theft.

Which is probably why you have decided to use that analogy. A thief never voluntarily returns money that he has taken (unless he made the mistake of stealing from someone he fears repercussions from).

The direct opposite of your viewpoint is all property is theft, which is a view held by (some) anarchists.

Money wasn't taken from you, it was never yours. It was an obligation which existed and which you have settled by paying your tax.

If you don't want to pay tax, don't use public footpaths and don't use public roads. But you'll have a hard time getting to work or going to the shops.
I was mainly talking about its' implementation. We all know Cameron supported remain butnot very well, but the way they then allowed the ERG to take over and the present shambles it has turned into. Just imagine if GDP hadn't been 4% lower per annum. Maybe those who mainly voted for it wouldn't be losing some universal benefits.


Remain fucked up, a bit too sure of themselves and the result. They got dragged in to the leave orbit. Being in EU costs you £350m a week… oh no it doesn’t it costs £250m a week. Not a peep about what we got for that £250m (or whatever the number they countered the £350m with). Now all people knew was it was expensive to be in the EU. Anyroad I’m going off on a tangent now so back to topic… ;)
This thread is very partizan. Its possible disagree with policy decisions and not be pro/against a particular political party.

From a personal point of view...

- UK Energy makes sense as does renationalised railways.

- The WFA has been bluntly applied and whilst I agree with the principle that those who are wealthy enough should not get it, the cliff edge is not right.

- Settlement of disputes,

With the junior doctors, good that its resolved, but the discussion is clearly not finished and threats are already there to take more action. If so then any future deal should have some level of reform going the other way.

ASLEF - as I posted previously it looks like the government folded without getting any reforms.

Rwanda - absolutely the correct thing to do.
You're far too sane to be posting in here.
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This thread is very partizan. Its possible disagree with policy decisions and not be pro/against a particular political party.

From a personal point of view...

- UK Energy makes sense as does renationalised railways.

- The WFA has been bluntly applied and whilst I agree with the principle that those who are wealthy enough should not get it, the cliff edge is not right.

- Settlement of disputes,

With the junior doctors, good that its resolved, but the discussion is clearly not finished and threats are already there to take more action. If so then any future deal should have some level of reform going the other way.

ASLEF - as I posted previously it looks like the government folded without getting any reforms.

Rwanda - absolutely the correct thing to do.

Labour have committed to bringing Railways back into public ownership ... no need to die on this hill now.

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