The Labour Government

I'm on holiday at the moment so not decided if I'll watch the game or enjoy the sunshine. Thanks for your concern. I'm genuinely touched.
You stick to your sun and playstation boss.

We all know football isn't your thing just winding people up on here like a cock.
Unless it's a second account?
Hypocrisy is a terrible thing, isn’t it?

Funnily enough I saw this post from back in January, somebody complaining on the Rishi Sunak thread about Simon Clarke MP accepting a donation from JCB.

I picked this one out because it happened to mention a league table of donations. I think there was one published the other day showing which MPs have pocketed the most freebies since end-2019, so you must have been pleased to see that and presumably you’ve since called out all the worst culprits.

You stick to your sun and playstation boss.

We all know football isn't your thing just winding people up on here like a cock.
Unless it's a second account?

I don't have a second account. Wouldn't have put you in the group of the perpetually angry and paranoid either. Thought better of you.

I do recognise that you are pissed off about a single issue.

You are winding yourself up in this instance.
I don't take my playstation on holiday either.
I don't have a second account. Wouldn't have put you in the group of the perpetually angry and paranoid either. Thought better of you.

I do recognise that you are pissed off about a single issue.

You are winding yourself up in this instance.
I don't take my playstation on holiday either.
I've been rightfully angry at what they've done which is my right as a UK citizen.

The right .....the left....they are all cunts in my book.
It's not only optics.

It's fucking diabolical rank hypocrisy that speaks volumes about the nature of the man in question. He spent YEARS spouting vitriol at the Tories for this sort of thing, whilst all along, doing the exact same thing, only more so, himself. What sort of person does that? What does that say about his sense of superiority above others? One rule for everyone else, but ok for him.

Second, there are genuine questions about improper influence being gained and in certain circumstances, direct conflict of interest.
I think it's quite clear that they're all at it mate.

I revert to my post last week where we should ban donations, ban second jobs and have politicians actually go to work full time to do political work. I'd even pay them more for the inconvenience of keeping them on the straight and narrow...

I'd also ban the dodgy relationships of political parties with lobby pressure groups such as think tanks or unions. Anything with any remote conflict of interest should be banned or sit independent of a party in every aspect, money or people. It is ethically wrong for any unaccountable organisation to have more say or access to politicians than a voter.

If the result of this is that the ranking Oxbridge types or sons of lords decide that the job is no longer for them then I'm sure we'll survive.
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Let's knock these stupid personal arguments on the head eh. Too many threads are getting spoiled by needless goading and wumming from users. Either discuss the subject in hand sensibly, rather than the poster, or face thread bans. Cheers.

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