The Labour Government

Hypocrisy is a terrible thing, isn’t it?

Funnily enough I saw this post from back in January, somebody complaining on the Rishi Sunak thread about Simon Clarke MP accepting a donation from JCB.

I picked this one out because it happened to mention a league table of donations. I think there was one published the other day showing which MPs have pocketed the most freebies since end-2019, so you must have been pleased to see that and presumably you’ve since called out all the worst culprits.
And Starmer is a thieving ****, this is the third time I'm on record as saying as much. I've also expressed my disgust at the winter fuel decision. Yes, hypocrisy is a terrible thing, displayed by people like you who spent the last few years blithely disregarding Tory sleaze. Given you're taken to trawling through my posts, avail yourself of the facts next time.
I think it's quite clear that they're all at it mate.

I revert to my post last week where we should ban donations, ban second jobs and have politicians actually go to work full time to do political work. I'd even pay them more for the inconvience of keeping them on the straight and narrow...

I'd also ban the dodgy relationships of political parties with lobby pressure groups such as think tanks or unions. Anything with any remote conflict of interest should be banned or sit independent of a party in every aspect, money or people. It is ethically wrong for any unaccountable organisation to have more say or access to politicians than a voter.

If the result of this is that the ranking Oxbridge types or sons of lords decide that the job is no longer for them then I'm sure we'll survive.
You would need someone anti establishment so in effect we have no fucking chance of meaningful change.

In hindsight, and i never thought i would say this because I gave him pelters, the country should have voted in Corbyn.
You would need someone anti establishment so in effect we have no fucking chance of meaningful change.

In hindsight, and i never thought i would say this because I gave him pelters, the country should have voted in Corbyn.
Can I ask why you gave Corbyn pelters? Haven't seen many of your posts but if I've got it right you don't like the established parties and you want a fairer more equal society. Surely that is Corbyn or are you not a socialist?
Oh Bridget...

I thought you were more sensible than that.

14 grand of donations spent on a birthday party. FFS.

I take it Starmer will accept her resignation if he wants to continue this week aren't the Tories mantra
Car crash interview. Fair to say I've been ultra cynical about these fuckers but I didn't expect them to be this bad at the "optics".

Strictly speaking it wasn't a birthday party it was 2 separate events (free lunches) for MP's, lobby journos and other insiders, standard Westminster fayre.
Define birthday party in the context of this event
It wasn't so why did she bring it up and give the impression it was related?
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Car crash interview. Fair to say I've been ultra cynical about these fuckers but I didn't expect them to be this bad at the "optics".

It wasn't even a birthday party it was 2 separate events (free lunches) for MP's, lobby journos and other insiders, standard Westminster fayre.

It wasn't so why did she bring it up give the impression it was related?
I didn’t, I was responding to a poster that did

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