The Labour Government

Oh Bridget...

I thought you were more sensible than that.

14 grand of donations spent on a birthday party. FFS.

I take it Starmer will accept her resignation if he wants to continue this week aren't the Tories mantra
650 MPs in the house. I bet yer could count the ones who would forego donations 'n freebies on the fingers of one hand, and that doesn't include the thumb!

I think I'll write to Lord Ali and tell him he can fund my season ticket next season, the Ewings Christmas bash, my birthday next year, and the use of a helicopter to get me to and from the games. There'll be no backlash 'cos I am not required to register anything. He can just hand it over!
My question was why did Phillipson give the impression that it was?

She fed the headline nobody else.
She fully explained the circumstances and that no family members or friends were invited. The poster was just looking to sensationalise it, and many have taken it.

The media are more interested in stirring the pot rather than discussing what Labour have already achieved and what the likely next phase of the roadmap will be.
Can I ask why you gave Corbyn pelters? Haven't seen many of your posts but if I've got it right you don't like the established parties and you want a fairer more equal society. Surely that is Corbyn or are you not a socialist?
I don't want to go into great detail as it never goes well discussing him plus we can't go back in time. I didn't like a couple of the skeletons in his closet and a few members of his team.

I've had a pretty big change in my politics over the last few years and I would agree with a lot more of his manifesto today than I did then.
Gotta say it’s quite amazing how there’s suddenly been a massive pushback on freebies given to politicians over the last few weeks.
It’s as though much of the right wing press have found a new agenda to sink their teeth into.

I’m sure they are doing it for the good of the country though and not just blatant pandering to the Tories out there who are feeling a bit glum after the election..
I think it's quite clear that they're all at it mate.

I revert to my post last week where we should ban donations, ban second jobs and have politicians actually go to work full time to do political work. I'd even pay them more for the inconvenience of keeping them on the straight and narrow...

I'd also ban the dodgy relationships of political parties with lobby pressure groups such as think tanks or unions. Anything with any remote conflict of interest should be banned or sit independent of a party in every aspect, money or people. It is ethically wrong for any unaccountable organisation to have more say or access to politicians than a voter.

If the result of this is that the ranking Oxbridge types or sons of lords decide that the job is no longer for them then I'm sure we'll survive.
What an excellent post. 1,000% agreed. I'd even pay them more if needs be. £100k or whatever they are on is not a lot when you consider the average GP probably earns more than that, as does a middle manager in plenty of industries. And we do need to attract people from all walks of life, not only those who are independently wealthy.

20 or 30 years ago when I was a travelling rep, it was the norm to drop off a crate of booze for a customer at Christmas. It was the norm to take them to the cricket or to wimbledon or whatever. Nearly all large companies have completely banned this now, both donating and (especially) receiving.

Why should it be OK for MPs or even worse, ministers. It's totally inappropriate and definitely leads to all sort of conflicts of interest. Parliament would serve the public better if ALL bungs were not allowed.

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