The Labour Government

What an excellent post. 1,000% agreed. I'd even pay them more if needs be. £100k or whatever they are on is not a lot when you consider the average GP probably earns more than that, as does a middle manager in plenty of industries. And we do need to attract people from all walks of life, not only those who are independently wealthy.

20 or 30 years ago when I was a travelling rep, it was the norm to drop off a crate of booze for a customer at Christmas. It was the norm to take them to the cricket or to wimbledon or whatever. Nearly all large companies have completely banned this now, both donating and (especially) receiving.

Why should it be OK for MPs or even worse, ministers. It's totally inappropriate and definitely leads to all sort of conflicts of interest. Parliament would serve the public better if ALL bungs were not allowed.
1000% you say :)
She fully explained the circumstances and that no family members or friends were invited. The poster was just looking to sensationalise it, and many have t
I'll try one last time by reframing the question. Why did she have to fully explain the circumstances to dismiss the outrageous allegation that it was a birthday party ..... a minute after saying "well it was my fortieth so we thought it would be a good idea"?
She fed the headline nobody else.
The media are more interested in stirring the pot rather than discussing what Labour have already achieved and what the likely next phase of the roadmap will be.
Roadmap update ;-)

I'll try one last time by reframing the question. Why did she have to fully explain the circumstances to dismiss the outrageous allegation that it was a birthday party ..... a minute after saying "well it was my fortieth so we thought it would be a good idea"?
She fed the headline nobody else.

Roadmap update ;-)

Because she was being honest. If she had simply said I hosted two events that were funded, someone would have made some link to it being her birthday and then the Tories and the press would have stirred the pot even more.

It’s a non story being exaggerated by many
Because she was being honest. If she had simply said I hosted two events that were funded, someone would have made some link to it being her birthday and then the Tories and the press would have stirred the pot even more.

It’s a non story being exaggerated by many
I give up. Enjoy your day, especially from 4.30 onwards.

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