The Labour Government

There's an old saying. The left has great ideas, that can only be put into practice by the right. If you tax the rich, they will move their companies. Companies that employ tens of thousands of people in the county.

There has to be a balance, but it will never be reached as long as the fringe on both sides stops getting so much attention.

At the moment we are going through a leftist woke moment, just as in the past we have been through conservative ideals and big business and industry. We need both sides to actually denounce the fringes of politics (the left is far worse, using victimhood isn't a solution) to actually do something

That's why I'm a centrist.
There's an old saying. The left has great ideas, that can only be put into practice by the right. If you tax the rich, they will move their companies. Companies that employ tens of thousands of people in the county.

There has to be a balance, but it will never be reached as long as the fringe on both sides stops getting so much attention.

At the moment we are going through a leftist woke moment, just as in the past we have been through conservative ideals and big business and industry. We need both sides to actually denounce the fringes of politics (the left is far worse, using victimhood isn't a solution) to actually do something

That's why I'm a centrist.

Jesus fucking wept. Get a fucking grip

You’ve got to admit it’s a bit funny. Similar to when we had to go to a local mental health facility a few years back and Mrs MBs car number plate reads “Loopy” it didn’t occur to us until I saw someone pointing at it and laughing. I’m sure others thought we were heartless cunts.
Would they ? A single person somehow having some form of spontaneous cell division and making a clone of themselves ? According to recent surveys 40% of young adults don’t want kids and are happy with their double income no kids lifestyle.

Expand their household includes cohabitation and marriage. So 60%, the majority still have plans to procreate and the other 40% might change their minds if economic conditions improve or accidentally get pregnant.

There are plenty of one bedroom flats which if you are young and fit you can easily access.

You see how daft the point you’re trying to make is ? Saying who should and shouldn’t have a house of a given size is just plain dumb.

Didn't we do this with the bedroom tax?

We aren’t building enough houses in the right areas or attracting business to set up in areas where there is a surfeit of cheap property is fundamentally the problem. Forcing developers and businesses who are sat on swathes of building land to build housing or relinquish it would be a good start. The ten biggest house builders currently have 700,000 plots of land sat idle.

True. But forcing them to build is going to be difficult job.

We can also incentivise people to move and downsize.

It doesn't have to be a binary choice.
You’ve got to admit it’s a bit funny. Similar to when we had to go to a local mental health facility a few years back and Mrs MBs car number plate reads “Loopy” it didn’t occur to us until I saw someone pointing at it and laughing. I’m sure others thought we were heartless cunts.
Not funny but off the scale embarrassing, but he is a master of it
Expand their household includes cohabitation and marriage. So 60%, the majority still have plans to procreate and the other 40% might change their minds if economic conditions improve or accidentally get pregnant.

A zen diagram will show you the bit in the middle (who definitely want kids) is 20%.

Obviously that’s the worst case scenario but it doesn’t say the majority still have plans. All depends if they marry someone who also wants kids.
Expand their household includes cohabitation and marriage. So 60%, the majority still have plans to procreate and the other 40% might change their minds if economic conditions improve or accidentally get pregnant.

Didn't we do this with the bedroom tax?

True. But forcing them to build is going to be difficult job.

We can also incentivise people to move and downsize.

It doesn't have to be a binary choice.
Cohabitation ? Why do 2 young people living together need more than one bedroom. As regards the numbers, however unlikely, the whole other 60% could be undecided, it doesn't say.

Look we can go around in pointless circles with this, but people will downsize if and when they want. They have worked, paid their money and earned the right to stay in their "oversized" houses for as long as they like. If they want to spend their last mortal days there and be carried out in a coffin its nobody else's business than that of the individual.

The house will be available at that point for a family, assuming they can afford it, to do as they want.

Supply and demand set the price, if people start downsizing, the price of starter properties will increase making them even more unaffordable for people earlier in their career on smaller salaries and the larger properties wont get significantly cheaper as they will always command a higher price than that of a smaller property in a given area.

The only workable solutions are:

To build more houses and prevent people and companies buying them off plan to rent out.

Having some form of tax relief for young families related to mortgage payments.

The latter however is likely to cause consternation with people who maybe cant have children or dont want them.

I have a son who is 20. I know and he knows its going to be difficult to get on the housing ladder but thats just the reality of the world we live in and is also true across most of northern Europe. Trying to unpick years of insufficient house building and pretty much free money could take 10 maybe 20 years or even more.

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