Well-Known Member
Its the Media making such a mole out of a mountain that gives everyone the opinion that 'they're all the same'. Labour MPs accepted gifts of someone , that is it, a non story.
Aye but Starmer and his minions are giving the story oxygen.
I said at the time when they announced no more clothes they should have not said anything and just fronted it out (and repented in private). So they let the media write new headlines and ask new questions (why was it ok but not ok now).
Once that was running out of steam Starmer pops up and says yeah but that £20k was for my kid to study in peace. Now the headlines and questions are going to be one of hypocrisy and being out of touch.
This lot just don’t seem very good at politics. If they were good at policy you’d perhaps overlook that but then they come up with absolute winners like the WFA which overshadows anything they’ve done well. This is a very naive government run by a very naive leader.
On the positive side they can only get better as they learn how to do politics better, but for now they need to win a ceasefire to get control of the narrative. For that they need to shut up about donations and not feed headlines. Accept the country think you’re a duplicitous toad and hope the good you do eventually outweighs the current cluster fuck and people move on. We’re not that far away from our first old person to die due to cold and we all know what those headlines and questions are going to be about - the government needs to get a bit of a rest from the negative press before then.