The Labour Government

Labour’s proposed non-dom plan was poorly thought through, put ideology ahead of the reality of the situation and was always going to drive the wealthy out of the UK.

The fact that they’ve had to change it so soon simply highlights how poorly conceived it was.
So, foreigners getting preference over native Brits is a good thing? I can’t keep up….
Their eyes fastened on those who have dosh and the envy and jealousy cloud the issue - much the same way with City 'n the rest of the PL.
It’s funny how just a few short weeks ago the non-dom tax and VAT on private school fees were going to raise enough money to pay for everything, and now they seem to think they probably won’t raise a bean.

Couldn’t see that one coming at all.
I assume you believe the economy is not in a good state and therefore would like to ask you:

Why do you think Sunak bailed early and not stay in power till Nov?

If we have to face another period of austerity, isn’t that because the finances are so dire with a huge debt and public services needing better infrastructure and facilities?

would the Tories even have considered trying to fix the economy and improve services, if so how?

I know the Tories on here are looking for any opportunity to attack Labour as Labour posters attacked the Tory government, (and let’s be honest, the Tories gave everyone enough ammunition to see off the Russians), but until we see what’s in the budget and putting aside the white noise of clothes and tickets, you really only have the WFA, the rest is only speculation is it not?

Sunak went when he did as it was always going to be the high water mark for the economy for this year.

We saw evidence of risks of inflationary headwinds in the Q2 numbers along with increasing energy costs. I think I posted at the time this was the reason he’d called the election when he did - if I didn’t I had meant to.
If it's true that they're rowing back on the non dom status plan, then Starmer and Reeves are more duplicitous than I thought. Heaven forbid any left wing policies remain.

It won’t be called non-dom so they’ll claim to have removed it but it seems the tories done pretty much all that could be done with it. Might be able to move it a bit but the Treasury are reporting returns are very uncertain and it’s likely to bring no additional revenue.

It’s only really the easy targets you can make policy stick on.
what we actually need to do is design a system where the wealthy remain here and pay the same %age tax as a nurse or an OAP does on their income with no "creative" methods so that they do not pay their fair amount. Sadly that is what is being proposed and they threaten to leave so the question is who on here is happy to earn £40k pa and pay 40% income tax when Rishi Sunak had income of £2.2m and paid an effective rate of 23% ?

As an aside has Charlie Mullins given his daily interview yet threatening to leave and take his cash to Spain (where they already have a wealth tax?)

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