The Labour Government

Only just read about this but that's me back on petrol once my lease ends.

My EV has been the best car I've ever driven but £410 extra per year removes a key benefit of getting one.

And somebody with a 10 year old diesel chugger will pay less, utterly bonkers.

I hope Elon Musk doesn’t find out….he's already got the UK on his shit list
You’ve not thought this through.

A nurse on £30k a year will pay 16.3% of income in tax and NI
A nurse on £35k a year will pay 17.9%
Someone on £40k a year will pay 19.2% not the 40% you talk about.
Maybe you meant to compare Sunak to someone being paid £3m a year who pays 46% in tax and NI?

Of course once you get further in to the upper tax bracket you’ll pay more and someone on comparatively modest income to Sunak would pay more.

However what I suspect you’re asking for is a system where all income is taxed at the same rate as pay, which sounds great in principle, but is littered with issues so you end up creating specific rules for specific cases and low and behold you’ve created loopholes. There certainly are some things you could tax fairer.

You dont even pay 40% above 40k anyhow. He really should start every post with :-

Once upon a time.........

Anyhow I would make them pay tax even if it lost us a billion just on principal. Labour's rants of nom-doms gonna be paying for this that and the other seems rather dubious. Shocked I tell thee.

They are gonna need to raise some more money.

Another jumper I'm afraid Beryl.
You dont even pay 40% above 40k anyhow. He really should start every post with :-

Once upon a time.........

Anyhow I would make them pay tax even if it lost us a billion just on principal. Labour's rants of nom-doms gonna be paying for this that and the other seems rather dubious. Shocked I tell thee.

They are gonna need to raise some more money.

Another jumper I'm afraid Beryl.

Ditto. It’s a policy that I don’t particularly care if it makes or loses money, it’s the inherently fair thing to do.
It’s funny how just a few short weeks ago the non-dom tax and VAT on private school fees were going to raise enough money to pay for everything, and now they seem to think they probably won’t raise a bean.

Couldn’t see that one coming at all.
They are only just sobering up from the initial flush of power. Once yer've had a few anything is possible, and the morning after nothing seems 'do-able'!
As I have said before, I favour Land Value Tax. The rich cannot take their land out of the country.

I would also adopt the same income tax law as that socialist paradise, the United States of America. If you don't want to contribute you have to give up your citizenship and then you don't get a vote.
I assume you believe the economy is not in a good state and therefore would like to ask you:

Why do you think Sunak bailed early and not stay in power till Nov?

If we have to face another period of austerity, isn’t that because the finances are so dire with a huge debt and public services needing better infrastructure and facilities?

would the Tories even have considered trying to fix the economy and improve services, if so how?

I know the Tories on here are looking for any opportunity to attack Labour as Labour posters attacked the Tory government, (and let’s be honest, the Tories gave everyone enough ammunition to see off the Russians), but until we see what’s in the budget and putting aside the white noise of clothes and tickets, you really only have the WFA, the rest is only speculation is it not?

I voted Labour.

So far they have had a mare imo and have offered very little change and much of the same tbh.

I’m saying what I see.
Only just read about this but that's me back on petrol once my lease ends.

My EV has been the best car I've ever driven but £410 extra per year removes a key benefit of getting one.

And somebody with a 10 year old diesel chugger will pay less, utterly bonkers.

Seems very sensible to me. There is a *huge* subsidy to luxury EVs because of the almost zero rate BIK on these vehicles. It's completely indefensible to subsidise the most expensive vehicles on the road. I'm not saying this particular tax change is the best way to navigate the area, I haven't thought about it, but the current position is barmy. Expensive EVs aren't really environmentally friendly either, in various ways.

Subsidising cheap, small EVs OTOH makes perfect sense.

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