The Labour Government

What about my brother who owns a restaurant and is just about making a living. What can he do about only being able to pay £10/£11 an hour?
Surprised you've not advised him to sack them all and replace them with illegal immigrants on £2 and hour with the threat of deportation.
Does that include the 800 Diversity & Inclusion managers in the NHS costing around £40m a year?
In a organisation of 1.5 million people, 800 isn’t a particularly big number. 99.95% of NHS employees are not Diversity managers and just 0.05% are. So that’s just 1 for every 2000 employees and 1 in every 50 managers.
I haven’t much of a clue what they actually do but I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt that they add some value in ensuring opportunities are equal for employees of any background. I suspect they have a number of other responsibilities as well.
In terms of cost £40m is just 0.022% of the NHS budget.
In reality it’s a culture war issue and you’ve risen to the bait.
I’m sure there’s plenty of other roles in the NHS for you to get angry about if you look for them.
Does that include the 800 Diversity & Inclusion managers in the NHS costing around £40m a year?
The BMA says,

“Racism, sexism, ableism and homophobia remain a real problem within the NHS and across society. We know that experiencing this discrimination has lasting impacts on NHS workforce retention and staff morale: nearly one third of ethnic minority doctors we surveyed last year had considered leaving the NHS or had already left within the past two years due to race discrimination.

“The cost to the NHS of replacing doctors and nurses who have been driven out by these experiences far outstrips the cost of employing diversity officers, who hold organisations to account in addressing poor workplace practices. Instead of a target for political attacks, the (Tory) Health Secretary should see diversity officers in the NHS as a key tool in helping to stem the staffing shortfall, which is projected to top half a million in the next decade.”
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Common sense. Doesn’t say when decision was made but I’ll give credit to new government on this and believe they applied said common sense to his case. Well done if so, gives me hope sense is alive and well.

The BMA says,

“Racism, sexism, ableism and homophobia remain a real problem within the NHS and across society. We know that experiencing this discrimination has lasting impacts on NHS workforce retention and staff morale: nearly one third of ethnic minority doctors we surveyed last year had considered leaving the NHS or had already left within the past two years due to race discrimination.

“The cost to the NHS of replacing doctors and nurses who have been driven out by these experiences far outstrips the cost of employing diversity officers, who hold organisations to account in addressing poor workplace practices. Instead of a target for political attacks, the (Tory) Health Secretary should see diversity officers in the NHS as a key tool in helping to stem the staffing shortfall, which is projected to top half a million in the next decade.”
They will be needed so the NHS can manage is vicarious (no pun intended) liability for DI as a 'risk' in much the same way as health and safety and help stop people then cling vast compo off the NHS. Unfortunately they probably pay for themselves.
The Cheek of It.

Former Tory Justice Secretary talking about the choice of building new prisons "at £600,000 a cell" - or would you rather have a new hospital, and suggesting early release of prisoners. Was he that vocal for reducing the prison population when he was in government?
The Equalities Act effectively requires large organisations to employ Diversity Managers and so on. Because if you are sued for discrimination (as you almost certainly will be at some point) the learned Judge is unlikely to look favourably on an organisation that makes no effort to train its employees on such matters. In fact, the chances are you won't have a leg to stand on.

With such people in place you can at least say: 'We have a programme to train all our staff on diversity and discrimination.'

The law is a tad more forgiving of small businesses with limited resources than it is of massive undertakings - especially public sector ones who are expected to operate fairly and legally.

So it's fine to say get rid of these folk, but bear in mind this could lead to paying out £££££££s in compo. Not to mention the bad publicity/scandals.

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