The Labour Party

This is shameless and completely dishonest spin being put out by Milne and his cohorts. The EHRC clearly found that the Labour Party broke the law in a number of respects and its actions encouraged antisemitism.

I thought you were a fair-minded individual Russ but it seems you're quite happy to overlook and brush off actions that are not just racist but illegal. Shame on you but at least we all know whose side you're really on. The side of the antisemites.
You know me and you know my convictions do you seriously think I am anti semitic or would support anti semtism?

Seriously Col, i thought you knew me better than that
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You know me and you know my convictions do you seriously think I am anti semitic or would support anti semtism?

Seriously Col, i thought you knew me better than that
You can see from the language used at the end of PB'S response that you must 'pick a side', and unless you demonstrate your credentials then you are on the other side. There is no debate and there is no middle - we must all stand for our daily two minutes of hate and take our sides.
You can see from the language used at the end of PB'S response that you must 'pick a side', and unless you demonstrate your credentials then you are on the other side. There is no debate and there is no middle - we must all stand for our daily two minutes of hate and take our sides.
And I will not pick a side, I know in my heart how I feel, I know what my beliefs are and I have courage in my convictions. I think the whole process has been flawed, I am not denying that anti Semitism exists, it does exist and it is abhorrent and I am against all discrimination against individual, collective , race or religion.
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A former director of Labour Friends of Israel is now on LBC live from Tel Aviv , he was a former Labour councillor and is now going to town on Corbyn. He has no evidence at all apart from hearsay and projection. The accusation that the left is anti semitic is highly disturbing to me, I am not and never have been anti semitic but feel guilty by association such is the constant embellishment of this accusation.

The report concludes
1/ There have been improvements in the rate of determining cases
2/ Figures showed that following an increase in NCC membership the rate of determining cases grew by 83%
3/ Labour improved the quantity of cases after Jenny Formby took over.
4/ NEC panels heard 242% more cases in 2019 than 2018
5/ The party introduced reforms which improve the ability of the NCC to decide cases
6/ There were improvements to the sanction system
7/ Expulsions tripled in 2019 compared to the 3 previous years added together

Keith has to resign and the Labour Party has to split or fold, there is no other option available. I am listening to Keith now and he makes me fucking sick, the pontificating ****. He did fuck all whilst in the shadow cabinet, he waited to take over the party and mould it in his image.

Fuck labour, fuck Keith , if he isnt able to state the reports findings that Labour is not institutionally anti semitic as the report states what is the point of him at all. Of the 70 cases the EHRC investigated 2 were found to be unlawful.
Labour is not institutionally anti-semitic but the previous leadership was found to have serious failings and misgivings over its handling of the issue, that's all the report finds.

I don't want to say if Corbyn is a true anti-semite but he is seemingly a conspiracy theorist type who by his past actions seems to be believe in some common Jewish stereotypes (Jewish/Israeli new world order etc.).

This kind of belief is endemic on the left, more so that many believe that some things that are anti-semitic aren't because they are meant to criticise Israel.

Rascal, I'd never think you are anti semitic, you are probably the most open on here about diversity, inclusion and freedom of religion etc. It's a shame though that not everyone on the left thinks like you do, even though they'd like to think they do.

I have no doubt that a similar problem is happening in the Tory party but no-one can as a result ignore the issue just to defend Corbyn. Almost every centrist like myself was pushed away from Labour over things like this, not over this issue specifically but definitely over the toxic environment Corbyn and his cult sowed which in parts still remains.

This was Corbyn's secretary of Justice!

Labour is not institutionally anti-semitic but the previous leadership was found to have serious failings and misgivings over its handling of the issue, that's all the report finds.

I don't want to say if Corbyn is a true anti-semite but he is seemingly a conspiracy theorist type who by his past actions seems to be believe in some common Jewish stereotypes (Jewish/Israeli new world order etc.).

This kind of belief is endemic on the left, more so that many believe that some things that are anti-semitic aren't because they are meant to criticise Israel.

Rascal, I'd never think you are anti semitic, you are probably the most open on here about diversity, inclusion and freedom of religion etc. It's a shame though that not everyone on the left thinks like you do, even though they'd like to think they do.

I have no doubt that a similar problem is happening in the Tory party but no-one can as a result ignore the issue just to defend Corbyn. Almost every centrist like myself was pushed away from Labour over things like this, not over this issue specifically but definitely over the toxic environment Corbyn and his cult sowed which in parts still remains.
It makes you wonder how much worse the situation would have developed if it hadn't been for those brave Jewish Labour members and MP's who spoke out publicly against it only to be demonised by members of their own party and its supporters.

The scrutiny and abuse they must have faced just to speak out against an injustice must have been exceptionally intimidating.
You can see from the language used at the end of PB'S response that you must 'pick a side', and unless you demonstrate your credentials then you are on the other side. There is no debate and there is no middle - we must all stand for our daily two minutes of hate and take our sides.
You are either anti-racist or not. You can't be anti-racist if you only apply those principles to people of colour but ignore them for Jewish people.

It's like claiming you're vegetarian but sometimes eat chicken. In that case you're not vegetarian. It really is that simple.
I think it's time for Mr Corbyn to be given some mandatory unconscious bias training.



You know me and you know my convictions do you seriously think I am anti semitic or would support anti semtism?

Seriously Col, i thought you knew me better than that
Yes I do know you and know of the empathy you have for people. So what I'd expect you to say is that you're shocked the party has been found to have acted illegally and realise the impact that must have had on many Jewish members, supporters and voters, that they weren't imagining this stuff and it wasn't just a right-wing, Blairite smear campaign. But you clearly haven't read the report and have just reproduced the lies that were in circulation on social media within minutes of the report being produced.

Quote me the bit where the EHRC definitively & specifically says that the Labour Party wasn't institutionally antisemitic. I've only had the chance to have a quick look at the Executive Summary so maybe I missed it but I couldn't see that. But I did see the bits about acting illegally. And even if it did say that, it's a case of "Yes but..."
You are either anti-racist or not. You can't be anti-racist if you only apply those principles to people of colour but ignore them for Jewish people.

It's like claiming you're vegetarian but sometimes eat chicken. In that case you're not vegetarian. It really is that simple.
Do you believe I am anti semtic or not?

Because you have seriously upset me if you think i would side with anti semites and if you really believed it why have you ever bothered even saying hello to me at the match.

This is how fucking poisonous this whole fucking thing is, i am a Socialist, i am not a fucking cultist, i have held my views for over 40 years, i held them before you knew me, i have not changed my views yet by association i am now considered anti semitic. This is a systematic destruction of anybody on the left who holds Socialist views as from now they will always be associated with anti semitism unless people like you stand up and say hold on, i know Rascal he is a Socialist and he isnt anti semitic, it is just a fringe group of nutters.
Labour is not institutionally anti-semitic but the previous leadership was found to have serious failings and misgivings over its handling of the issue, that's all the report finds.
This is one of the things the report found: “Our analysis points to a culture within the party which, at best, did not do enough to prevent anti-Semitism and, at worst, could be seen to accept it.”

To me, that's as close to saying it was institutionally antisemitic as you're going to get, without actually saying it.

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