The Labour Party

Join Labour*

*Unless you believe in employment rights and support the Palestinian right to be recognised as a state. Or stand in solidarity with any human being repressed. We we're founded by the workers but now we've got health companies and rich lobbyists chucking us money to protect their rights over yours then fuck you.
I saw something like that quite a while ago, and yet still almost all houses are built by hand. It's almost as if they're not the magic bullet they were claimed to be. But as others have said, the cost of actually building the house isn't the main issue, it's the land that it's on. Having said that, anything that could bring the cost down at this point.
One new estate in Cheshire was meant to be modular buildings. The firm went bust before they'd started.
Some people, sadly, let power go to their heads, and power corrupts.

It's a human thing, and a weakness that can be found in any political organisation, or any power hierarchy.

I knew a bloke once who thought that because he was a boss (not a big boss, but a boss) he was entitled to, among other things, maul female employees. He had no idea that (apart from anything else) it made him look like a ****.

He also had quite appallingly sexist attitudes. One day he said the wrong thing to the wrong woman. It was a really stupid thing to say, and he was probably too thick to realise how offensive it was. She put it through the formal disciplinary process, he was suspended, and then - he left. (He found another organisation daft enough to give him a job.)

Knowing what arrogant cretins some MPs are, no one will persuade me stuff like this does not go on in Parliament. Some women tolerate it. Others even exploit it to their own advantage. (I've known that in my time too.) Some are annoyed, but just steer clear. But there are some women who won't be messed with and get the matter sorted. Good for them, that's how it should be.

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