The Labour Party

To be fair you weren't totally convinced;-)

If you are suggesting that the use of 'contentious phrases' is the biggest barrier to peace here I'll throw another 'disingenuous' into the mix. Let alone stripping out the *all people* bit from the original quote.

As for reaching out to both sides or *all people*. Any thoughts on this? Showing solidarity with a fella who was writing messages on missiles a few weeks earlier.

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No, I wasn’t and fair play to McDonald for getting his apology. I stand by my point that using a contentious phrase in a call for peace was disingenuous and unnecessary.

As for supporting or standing with the Israeli Govt that has become unconscionable. Netanyahu is reportedly not even consulting with his war cabinet and making unilateral decisions with regard to the talks in Egypt. Israel is currently led by a lunatic (that’s the polite version) and Western Govts are going to have to face up to that reality.
I have no qualms with fiscal responsibility. I don’t believe rich or poor should be getting freebies from the state without a lot of scrutiny. Unfortunately in our current political climate any “wealth creator” can go to our halls of government and be given a big bag of cash that will “trickle down” by the state while the poor man is asked to be content his lord allows him to sleep outside his gates.

Our current system favors capital and wealth and promotes those who have the most of it to the detriment of the rest. I’m happy to have conversations on fiscal responsibility after we have finished promoting systems which favors wealth over the prosperity of the rest of society.
It’s not the system that is wrong, it’s the policies. We have a civil service and gov after gov who just fiddle at the edges rather than carry out the reforms that are needed.
Ironic example: the body responsible for levelling up sit in London FFS.
In that 4 paragraphs of absolute guff the bolded bit was the standout. They literally wanted to seize all private property ... lmfao
What did I say that isn't true? I was under the impression that Corbyn was a socialist and don't socialists believe in social ownership of property? Under a socialist system do I own the land that my house stands on? Could I rent it out or could I sell it for a profit? Absolutely not... And bang goes the housing market.
What did I say that isn't true? I was under the impression that Corbyn was a socialist and don't socialists believe in social ownership of property? Under a socialist system do I own the land that my house stands on? Could I rent it out or could I sell it for a profit? Absolutely not... And bang goes the housing market.
Under our feudal system, I think you'll find that the land you own is in fact subject to the monarch's superior interest in the land.
Under our feudal system, I think you'll find that the land you own is in fact subject to the monarch's superior interest in the land.
But in reality since when does the crown exercise any rights over that land? That only matters if you die and there is nobody to pass it on to.

I think I'll vote to protect what I have.
But in reality since when does the crown exercise any rights over that land? That only matters if you die and there is nobody to pass it on to.

I think I'll vote to protect what I have.

The "Others" would take your land and build a gulag on it, the mini Che's are banging a well worn drum here.

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