The Labour Party

I have no qualms with fiscal responsibility. I don’t believe rich or poor should be getting freebies from the state without a lot of scrutiny. Unfortunately in our current political climate any “wealth creator” can go to our halls of government and be given a big bag of cash that will “trickle down” by the state while the poor man is asked to be content his lord allows him to sleep outside his gates.

Our current system favors capital and wealth and promotes those who have the most of it to the detriment of the rest. I’m happy to have conversations on fiscal responsibility after we have finished promoting systems which favors wealth over the prosperity of the rest of society.
Why wouldn't we create a system that favours wealth? How do you fund everything without it? That system shouldn't be detrimental to society of course but the system shouldn't be detrimental to the wealth creators either so surely you have to meet in the middle?

The ideologies of the left favour a system that is heavily swayed against the wealth creators so it's just opposite to what we have now, it isn't about meeting in the middle which is what most people would want. Given the choice the left would destroy business and wealth in the UK.

I'm more in favour of the Scandinavian system. The only difference between our system and theirs is they have stronger regulation and they spend money carefully albeit more so for the better of their people. However, at the end of the day they are fundamentally capitalist.
Why wouldn't we create a system that favours wealth? How do you fund everything without it? That system shouldn't be detrimental to society of course but the system shouldn't be detrimental to the wealth creators either so surely you have to meet in the middle?

The ideologies of the left favour a system that is heavily swayed against the wealth creators so it's just opposite to what we have now, it isn't about meeting in the middle which is what most people would want.

I'm more in favour of the Scandinavian system. The only difference between our system and theirs is they have stronger regulation and they spend money carefully. However, at the end of the day they are fundamentally capitalist.

I’m not suggesting we literally eat the rich French Revolution style but highlighting our current system favors wealth creation soooo much it hurts us all. It is so bad billionaires treat politics like a literal game. On a whim they decide which politician or political group to fund because they have so much wealth that burning tens of millions is like buying a lollipop from the candy store. The world can burn due to actions of billionaires but they have enough wealth to shield themselves from their actions while the rest of us suffer.

I don’t know about you but that type of hoarded wealth has disastrous effects. It’s why politicians like Truss can go about their lives spouting nonsense while ruining lives. You speak of a reality of “far left” policies that doesn’t or ever existed. I speak of our current reality which favors wealth creators above all else and the results have been abysmal for the majority of people.

I take it that blocking will include Blarites who were booted out for touching up staffers, battering partners and making Islamaphobic comments that have been parachuted to run in constituencies against the CLPs wishes?
Can’t work out who gives Starmer the most stick on here - those who are still planning to vote Tory or the Corbynites.

It would appear that most of us between those extremes think he’s doing a reasonable job whether they’re left or right of centre.
I probably give him a lot of stick and
a) I voted the **** as leader (trusted his pledges would be honoured)
b) an neither a tory or a corbynite
c) just a standard socialist, ex long time party member that has seen the party become a copy n paste camerons tory party under a weak leader bullied by lobyists and mandelson
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The opposition was led only 5 years ago by someone subscribed to the far left. He was a serial protester who would of destroyed the interests of middle England in a heartbeat. Middle England is where the vast majority of voters sit, none of these people are billionaires, they're normal people with homes and families.

Corbyn's ilk was for example literally against property ownership so why would any sane homeowner ever vote for him and his ideology? Home ownership is obviously not a far right idea but according to the left it may as well be. They're also against having nuclear weapons and being part of NATO, that sounds a good idea at the moment doesn't it?

Generally when people turn 30 they become more conservative because they begin to accumulate wealth and they want to keep that wealth. The far left only hold policies that aim to take that away and because the rich can just move elsewhere middle England becomes their natural target.

I'll just repeat that people want a normal party in power, one which represents everyone and yes that includes the poor, rich and businesses too, businesses are something else that Corbyn would of decimated. I want to see a sensible and measured government and not some ideologically driven protest movement.
In that 4 paragraphs of absolute guff the bolded bit was the standout. They literally wanted to seize all private property ... lmfao
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‘Between the river and the sea can live in peaceful liberty’

Not entirely convinced he’s going to get his retraction or apology :)
To be fair you weren't totally convinced;-)

A remarkable amount of assumption in one post.

A politician knows the value of words. Using a contentious phrase in a call for peace is disingenuous and is the reason he was suspended. To pretend otherwise is equally disingenuous.
If you are suggesting that the use of 'contentious phrases' is the biggest barrier to peace here I'll throw another 'disingenuous' into the mix. Let alone stripping out the *all people* bit from the original quote.
If McDonald wants to genuinely reach out to both sides and work for peace, I wish him well. Probably best he avoids marginalising himself from the get go, though.
As for reaching out to both sides or *all people*. Any thoughts on this? Showing solidarity with a fella who was writing messages on missiles a few weeks earlier.

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I also hold my hope for younger folks because their economic outlooks will be completely different to what their predecessors who lived through just after the Second World War.

Income inequality has become dangerously high that many young people will never have the opportunity to own a home or accumulate wealth and capital like their predecessors. That is usually why people become more conservative as they grow older because they have something to conserve.

However, the current system in our current era leaves out many people from this prosperity, so many young people will not grow conservative as they get older cause they have nothing. What would be scarier is if more people have nothing to lose cause I hate to see that dystopian future.

But to still hear people talk about “both sides” in the UK/US especially reeks of right wing propaganda because we are still banging on about giving money to billionaires ie “wealth creators” to solve our problems yet complaining that we spend too much on feeding poor kids and healthcare when that is far from the truth.

Can anyone here give me a “far left” idea(s) that has crippled the US/UK in the last twenty or thirty years? Empowering unions? Providing healthcare? Education? Free broadband? Feeding poor children? Rise in minimum wage?worker protections? Wealth tax? DEI? Wokeness? Which far left ideas have harmed us?
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