The Labour Party

Khan was 1/100 to be mayor yesterday and Hall 40/1.

Currently Khan is 1/4 and Hall 5/2.

Must be getting close. Some polling had him 25% clear
You still have to pay people to run the “companies” even if in full public ownership. It then becomes a question of do you want to attract the type of people you want to attract to run them.
People interested in providing an efficient public service?
For me there's no point voting in council elections.

The central government are strangling councils funding, so no matter who is in it will look shite.

A very broad view.... but personal opinion

So you wouldn't even vote for the party that's being strangled in preference to the party that's done the strangling... Good grief.
Difficult to extrapolate from today's results but those poll leads are built on sand.

They aren’t. The polls haven’t budged in over a year. The by-election in Blackpool was Starmer’s fifth 20% plus swing victory. It’s heading in one direction and today was just further confirmation.
People are really running with that nonsense? Someone at Sky was hitting the stupid pills.
They aren’t. The polls haven’t budged in over a year. The by-election in Blackpool was Starmer’s fifth 20% plus swing victory. It’s heading in one direction and today was just further confirmation.
Libdem Bob with his finger on the pulse .... when has he ever been wrong ;-)

Libdem Bob with his finger on the pulse .... when has he ever been wrong ;-)

Pretty much never. Brexit will be a shit show. Check. Johnson is an incompetent clown who will get rinsed by the EU. Check. Truss? You’re having a laugh! Turns out we did. Sunak - I briefly thought he might steady the ship, he sank it instead. 5 out of 10 on that one. Bad Bob.
They aren’t. The polls haven’t budged in over a year. The by-election in Blackpool was Starmer’s fifth 20% plus swing victory. It’s heading in one direction and today was just further confirmation.
.... that the Tories are fucked. The question is who picks up the pieces ..
Pretty much never. Brexit will be a shit show. Check. Johnson is an incompetent clown who will get rinsed by the EU. Check. Truss? You’re having a laugh! Turns out we did. Sunak - I briefly thought he might steady the ship, he sank it instead. 5 out of 10 on that one. Bad Bob.
Bob is not bad .... just struggles to see the wood for the trees /-)
.... that the Tories are fucked. The question is who picks up the pieces ..

Bob is not bad .... just struggles to see the wood for the trees /-)

Funnily enough, I would say that is more true of you than me. I say that as I think you are more of an idealist and less willing to compromise your ideals than I am.

Which, I guess, doesn’t necessarily reflect well on me, but que sera and all that.

Although, some on here think I’m some hemp wearing hippie with wacky notions, so, who the fuck knows :)

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