The Labour Party

I am a lefty as you know. I also believe in respect and discipline. Most of our current politicians have neither.

I've watched some political interviews from 40 years ago. Brian Walden, Robin day etc. They are brutal, occasionally boring, but respectful and when they fucked up,they fucked off. What's happened since?

I know you're a lefty mate but I know you don't carry a red book :)

Starmer and Labour are not really Labour they are Tory lite, however if Labour had a seriously lefty leader and supporting cast I reckon they would just vote the Tories back in.
I know you're a lefty mate but I know you don't carry a red book :)

Starmer and Labour are not really Labour they are Tory lite, however if Labour had a seriously lefty leader and supporting cast I reckon they would just vote the Tories back in.
If that's what the majority of the country believes in, as a democrat I will accept it. And moan like a woman about it :)
He absolutely is.
The useless Labour message today, from lickspittle and Reeves is: “there’s no money left”. Looks like the transformation into the Cameron & Osborne Tories is almost complete, god help us.

It's like Star Wars but Luke gives in a bit too easily.

Keith Vader " join me on the dark side Luke"

" Like fuck you maaan I can't turn my back on the poor and ill educated dude"

"You will be my number two guy Luke, the benefits are huge"

"Brilliant, fuck that Chewbacca he wasn't even born on my planet"
Wait what says John I only nodded off for 5 minutes. When he hears what they have been saying about his costed manifestos I"m sure he'll summon up the energy to compose another strongly worded tweet. That'll show em ...

Wait what says John I only nodded off for 5 minutes. When he hears what they have been saying about his costed manifestos I"m sure he'll summon up the energy to compose another strongly worded tweet. That'll show em ...

Heard Starmer say that with the state of the public finances, he can’t guarantee it so couldn’t make the commitment. Sounded like he wants to but is under serious pressure while the finances under attack.

Saying that, it will be a choice of appealing to the more richer centrists who vote or the less so who won’t bother.

Politics, eh.
Starmer is starting to make mistakes now, he needs to be careful, most of the lads I work with are either very left or very right and we've actually managed to have some decent conversation regarding the G.E without everyone falling out, I don't think anybody I know is going to vote for either of the 'big 2' but whether that is just a localised viewpoint or whether a large percentage of the general public vote that way I wouldn't like to say.
Staff at my place just keep turning the volume down anytime starmer or sunak come on the radio.

There could be voter apathy more than expected, seems niether the main parties are well liked but people want the tories out so will plum for what is a terrible labour party void of any vision, soul or empathy, more like a functioning ideas tank scared of the economy

This Britain is skint myth is bollocks.

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