The Labour Party

Heard Starmer say that with the state of the public finances, he can’t guarantee it so couldn’t make the commitment. Sounded like he wants to but is under serious pressure while the finances under attack.

Saying that, it will be a choice of appealing to the more richer centrists who vote or the less so who won’t bother.

Politics, eh.

We need more kids or more immigration, put that to the public and watch them tie themselves in knots.
Starmer is starting to make mistakes now, he needs to be careful, most of the lads I work with are either very left or very right and we've actually managed to have some decent conversation regarding the G.E without everyone falling out, I don't think anybody I know is going to vote for either of the 'big 2' but whether that is just a localised viewpoint or whether a large percentage of the general public vote that way I wouldn't like to say.

Well, obviously you have, given there is very little difference between the two.
Heard Starmer say that with the state of the public finances, he can’t guarantee it so couldn’t make the commitment. Sounded like he wants to but is under serious pressure while the finances under attack.

Saying that, it will be a choice of appealing to the more richer centrists who vote or the less so who won’t bother.

Politics, eh.
Labour will also need to find the cash for the Blood and PO compensation, which will be a fair amount
Starmer is starting to make mistakes now, he needs to be careful, most of the lads I work with are either very left or very right and we've actually managed to have some decent conversation regarding the G.E without everyone falling out, I don't think anybody I know is going to vote for either of the 'big 2' but whether that is just a localised viewpoint or whether a large percentage of the general public vote that way I wouldn't like to say.
I would. Generally people are fed up to the back teeth of extreme left or right. I have a conversation with any of them and its a load of bullshit rhetoric usually shouted at me. They are the problem in politics. From Faragers to Corbynisters, all seem to be twats.

The fact they would all get on is no surprise.
Starmer is starting to make mistakes now, he needs to be careful, most of the lads I work with are either very left or very right and we've actually managed to have some decent conversation regarding the G.E without everyone falling out, I don't think anybody I know is going to vote for either of the 'big 2' but whether that is just a localised viewpoint or whether a large percentage of the general public vote that way I wouldn't like to say.
What mistakes are you referring to?

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