The Lack of Atmosphere

Monday night was set up to be a 'roof-raiser'. But it didn't happen.

CBL3 pre-match was like being on holiday in a major tourist destination. It was the 'worst' I've seen it. Dozens of people taking photos of each other with the pitch behind them, hanging over seats to take bizarre 'selfies' etc. I must be in thousands of pictures on hundreds of Japanese, Chinese, Eastern European arsebook pages.

The one thing that must be said... At least the tourists tend to stay to the end. The early leavers are invariably 'regulars'.

It's the entertainment business - The adverts in the programme for half and half scarves and commemorative t-shirts for Barcelona just about sums things up.
jrb said:
All this bluster about the age groups at City should be put to one side in the context of the atmosphere at the Etihad. There are enough young and older Males(cough!) to create an atmosphere at the Etihad. The issue/problem is getting them together in one area/ block of the ground. And don't forget, those numbers will increase when the stadium ls expanded to 54,000 or 60,000+ thousand.

*What is needed is a concerted effort by the club to move and relocate those fans who wish to stand and sing together.*

Do any of you think the club will bite the bullet and make the effort to relocate those fans who want to stand and sing together into blocks 115 and/or 114 in 15 months time? Surely the demand will be there. 500-750 young or older fans out of a crowd of 54,000-60,000. Easy!

If the club don't do the above, nothing will change at the Etihad. As it stands the singing sections are too diluted with a mixture of singers, non-singers, etc. Asking the fans on here to change things st the Etihad to improve the atmosphere won't work. Asking the club to change the stadium layout/singing sections can and will work. But will the club listen and do it?

I agree with all of this. Going back to my earlier posts in this thread... Get behind 1894 and give them our/your support. It has to be a collective response not individuals. The bigger the group, the more the club will have to listen.

Let's have less of the nit picking, slanging and personal comments. The topic is about the lack of atmosphere and suggestions should be on how to improve it.
It started off OK, but I think the anxiety of the crowd played a part in the lack of atmosphere in the second half.
its not so different from past 20yrs tbh, even the mighty kippax used to suffer its silence, yes we used to have a few conductors, more often than not it was screaming at laziness on the pitch. i still prefered maine rd to etihad tbh. but times change, fans change and get older. yes we have a load of jonny come laterlys and glory fans of late, but thats price of success. i rather us be fairly successful than go back in time to our barren times.

it will never be as it was in the past, people are different now, i never come home with a voice after a game, cause of passion, city has been my life and even at 45 i still sing and scream my heart out, but we aint all the same. maybe the cost doesnt help these days either, not just cost of the game, but everything, ie getting to game, the working class attending games is miles different as well, years ago was mainly blue collar fans shouting and singing, but these days more white collar than there ever was, passion is not always the same, but some exceptions.
greasedupdeafguy said:
Don't think you can do much tbh we all know that the only blocks that make any noise are the south stand and the one in the corner next the away stand. Have noticed sitting in the 3rd tier this season though that when one of the singing blocks gets a song going the other one starts singing a few seconds behind or sings a different song altogether they just drown each other out. Moving the away fans could potentially help as you would then have one single end of vocal end but I know some wouldn't want this as they like the banter with away fans and it may damage the atmosphere rather than help it. Plus the club have shown with the expansion plans that away fans aren't gonna be moved they're going to divided over the three tiers. Hopefully this will give the opportunity for the 1894 group to get a block to relocate to, a few hundred fans who sing non stop may help the atmosphere spread around the ground.

My main annoyance with the atmosphere is pre - match, the club do everything it can to kill of any atmosphere before big games. They have bands playing live 10 mins before kick off in city square so how does that encourage people to get into the stadium? The guy who sings bluemoon is utterly cringey and its impossible for fans to make any noise over wall of music from the tannoy system.

Surely if the pre match build up puts you off you can still make a noise for the rest of the game?
As much as I would love the atmosphere to he amazing I can't see it happening unless fans relocate to a singing area when the expansion takes place
Warrington Wolves fan/season ticket holder, have been for many years, like I've been going to City for many years also. And before anyone starts having a go, or saying I'm comparing rugby to fans to football fans...Eastlands to the Halliwell, I'm not at all, It may appear that I am, and it may appear I'm just giving abuse to the Etihad, but I love both clubs as much as the other and I believe Eastlands with three times as many fans, could be a noisier place!! I'm merely just stating Facts here!
Not to brag or anything, but Warrington are known to have one of, or the best, fans in the super league, none stop singing/jumping around etc...

Now, first point; Obviously the stadiums are completely different,
Eastlands: made up of three tiers, consisting of 48,000 seats...Four stands - none standing!
Halliwell Jones: Made up of one tier, consisting of 15,000...Four stands- One reserved for away fans, two seated, one standing.

- Halliwell, The South stand (unreserved standing) is where the main action goes on... constant singing, songs, clapping, chanting, whistling, stamping, just getting the atmosphere going, there's plenty of youngsters and oldies, even the grey haired lot sing, so age doesn't matter! On the opposite side of this, North stand, the seated lot, also known as ''the posh totties'' you look over to observe them sat, no singing...not a single clapping....nothing! Funny that? Not proving standing at the Etihad would work, just sharing that, Warrington have two lots of fans, however all our noisy group are bunged together in the standing area to get the best atmosphere going, everyone goes mental at ref decisions and tries, it's just truly amazing, all the years I've been going, not once have I been and not came away with a sore throat!

Now build ups to the match...
- the Halliwell has songs playing beforehand, mainly crap things, last season the favourite was 'Get Lucky - Daft Punk' people enjoy these, generally start singing along with it, getting themselves pumped before the match. Then the reading of the line-up, cheering every player and singing their songs, they give you a wave and respect your effort. You've got our mascot (Wolfie) running up and down getting people involved calling them to the pitch to play a game with, dropping his plants whilst we chant 'wolfie show us what's on your bum' childish yes, but it's fun for kiddies and the grown ups, he then runs round peeing off the away fans and having a laugh, he seems a pretty cool chap really!
-At the Etihad, build up is more or less the same, just no one sings along to songs, no one seems ''pumped up'' everyone just tucks into their food, yes, the reception when reading player names is pretty good though.

During the Game...
- Warrington south stand, singing our famous songs, singing individual player songs, singing/shouting abuse at the the away fans, Yes, we have people with drums, couple lads have drums, doing a tune to get the singing going again, giving you goosebumps at the loudness of everything. Scoring a try, the suspense waiting to see on the board whether it was a try or not, the songs/chants the stadium play when you score, getting you singing this, mainly loud Queen songs, aha again more singing... 'Come on the Wire' and what not. It's awesome!
- Eastlands, third tier, not a single noise, occasional abuse to a player, stand up, and clap if we score then sit down again...maybe if music was played every goal, people would start singing and then be all excited and ready to sing more...I don't know?

Half Time...
- Halliwell, more songs, same track again aha, cheerleaders on the pitch dancing and doing their stuff, people don't really watch, getting fans on the pitch to partake in a half time game, to win a prize or something, others normally just go get more drinks...and come back singing again.
- City, get music on, people talk...take pictures...half time games seem pretty cool as well, they get the fans involved and allow people to win a prize, which is a good idea again!

Second half...
- Warrington, same as first, people get anxious if you're losing, atmosphere at Halliwell shoots up, getting behind the team, thoroughly supporting them, backing every single player, even the ones we're less keen on...The ''Dzeko's and Garcia's'' the players generally react to this and seem to play better with the noise.
- Eastlands, if you're losing...abuse abuse abuse...the majority just expecting a result, anything less than 3-0 seems a disappointment this season. They're either deadly quiet muttering to people how shocking players are playing and how we should get rid of them, or their shouting abuse and giving the ref some stick for every decision made.

End of the match...
- Halliwell, More or less EVERY SINGLE fan is still there by the end, Why? to show appreciation to the players for entertaining us and helping us progress in the league! Why else? The players appreciate this, after every match they do a lap of honour, whether we've won or lost, they come over to the stands, you can get pictures/signatures/handshakes from the players if they come close enough, they applaud all of us and thank us for the support, everyone's still singing and showing how much we love our team!
- At the Etihad...ermmm not quite the same reception, generally a lot of people have already left, whether you're 5-0 up or 1-0 down, the players I suppose clp a couple times then scurry off down the tunnel, not really doing a lap of honour or showing their appreciation.

Honestly never wrote this much in my life aha, just bored and winds me up how the stadium always seems so quiet, and against Chelsea of all teams? I thought the stadium be completely rocking from the Noise!

Anyways, I'm sorry for all of this, and if you bother to read it then good for you, I don't expect people to, just as long as I know i've expressed my opinion I don't mind!(:

Again, not at all favouring the Wire, just showing you how much fun and how great it is when you're really involved in a ''singing family'' kind of situation where everyone gets going and sings and honestly it's just great! I genuinely wish City was like this, that's why away matches are better, you stand the whole time so can throw your voice around and you can chant properly, stomp around and stuff!

Positive here though...I do thoroughly enjoy what the 1894 group are doing and do believe that in a few years they would have really made an impact and the singing block will be real and huge and will be a great thing to have at the Etihad!

Rant officially finished.
Great post and thank you for taking the time to write it, some very interesting observations....
You are right on one thing and that's the 1894 group, everyone has to get behind that and drive it forward, this is the only way to get large groups of singers 'TOGETHER'
pride in battle said:
Great post and thank you for taking the time to write it, some very interesting observations....
You are right on one thing and that's the 1894 group, everyone has to get behind that and drive it forward, this is the only way to get large groups of singers 'TOGETHER'

Yeah, took me a while aha, maybe I got a tad carried away...
But thank you for appreciating it (:

But yeah, they are already starting to do a great job and are clearly getting more and more awareness, either on here/twitter/Facebook etc! Soon everyone will know about them and want to be a part of it!
Thanks for the Wolves/City comparison ... it does tend to confirm that there is something wrong/missing at City for some reason.

Two things you mention that I agree are a big part of it:

1) the seating / standing difference ... it's just harder to get excited and be noisy if you're sitting down. Everyone associates sitting-down with being calm / resting. There's no good reason now why football clubs shouldn't have standing sections - given that other divisions / countries / sports do it quite happily - but I don't know how hard the Premier League clubs are really campaigning for it ?

2) I am also amazed at the abuse and moaning that starts-up the moment the slightest thing goes wrong - an opposition goal (how dare City concede even one !) or a badly-placed pass. I have heard people shouting things like "You're rubbish, Silva !" which is frankly ridiculous. And should the opposition dare to have any sort of sustained possession for even 5 minutes, the rumblings and shaking of heads that go on are ridiculous. The discontent and anxiety are palpable. Bizarre when you consider City's home record for the past 3 years - the team have hardly let us down or given cause for concern.
Even more ridiculous when you think how far we have come in such a short period of time - I would have expected City fans of all fans, to give the likes of Silva, Negredo, etc some respect (if not awe) and appreciate that not every player can be fantastic every match, but it only takes a couple of less-than-perfect passes or touches and it all starts up.

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