The little things about Sunday that you love!

The balance Sergio showed after scoring the goal.The way he stayed on his feet reminded me of his father in law.

Not funny at the time but thinking back it amazes me to think of how a stadium announcer could get me and everyone around me angry with the keep of the park nonsense when we are getting beat.
"Will you fuck up ya wanker was the cry from CB330"

So happy for Nasri,Barry,Lescott and Milner.Proved all of the fans of their ex clubs wrong.
Some great ones, but for me it was seeing the faces of the United fans in the pub I was in after Sergio scored, priceless!!!
The reality that 44 years is a very very long time of which i have been around for the duration, and the moment the final whistle went on Sunday the whole lot, good bad and ugly flashed before me and then realised our ordeal/experience/journey was finally over. Good times eh - time for a new journey
Kolo Toure always wanted to win a trophy with his brother and with losing at the African Cup of Nations I thought this could be deja vu! By the way, has anyone got a picture of Kolo and Yaya with the trophy?
The little thing that I'll always love about Sunday is the memory of my three year old going berserk after Aguerro's goal.

Cheesy, I know but well, that's the way of it.
All of the above because it was totally epic. A few moments I like that haven't been mentioned. When Aguero scores you see a fan run up to the huddle of players and then slip and disappear. Makes me giggle everytime. Also when the crowd invade the pitch you see another guy fall over. I miss you've been framed ;(

Absolutely gutted I couldn't be there but really happy my dad and brother were. I've watched match of the day with my 6 year old pretty much every morning since. I remember just before he was born I was walking into town after a game and really hoping I'd have a son that I could go to the football with. The sad thing is that I doubt anything will beat that feeling with the drama of the day
This guy...

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