The Liverpool Thread

Liverpool last season: Mancini is borin' n' defensiv' n' you'll neva win the league.

Liverpool now: We can't thieve a fuckin' goal.

Meanwhile at the Etihad...

We're breaking scoring records.

A poster from here agreed with their assessment that on the back end of last season they'd compete with us this season.

Something I don't understand with the dippers. They were bought out by this Henry yank and "supposedly" have no debt. He's not a billionaire doing it like our owner or Abramovich but a businessman who invests in clubs.

Surely he's going to want the purchase price (and profit) back at some point including what has been spent on players. At some point he's going to want his £300m, plus whatever else he's spent, back?

Anybody know what their accounts are like, especially without CL football now for a few years. One thing's for sure, I bet their players wages haven't gone down much, if at all, as their incoming wages probably are very close to their outgoing wages.
bluemoondays said:
Something I don't understand with the dippers. They were bought out by this Henry yank and "supposedly" have no debt. He's not a billionaire doing it like our owner or Abramovich but a businessman who invests in clubs.

Surely he's going to want the purchase price (and profit) back at some point including what has been spent on players. At some point he's going to want his £300m, plus whatever else he's spent, back?

Anybody know what their accounts are like, especially without CL football now for a few years. One thing's for sure, I bet their players wages haven't gone down much, if at all, as their incoming wages probably are very close to their outgoing wages.
Henry admitted he didn't know anything about "soccer" when his group took them over but had heard that the PL was a global sports brand. Presumably saw dollar signs without realising that there weren't the same spending constraints & income levellers that big-time sport in the USA has.

I don't really know what their accounts will look like but I think their last ones showed a turnover of just over £180m (which included CL-related income that probably totalled about £40m). There was interest paid on that of about £20m which will have gone down considerably plus it included a pay-off for Benitez.

They've signed a new kit deal and it also doesn't include their Standard Chartered shirt sponsorship deal, which will probably make up for the loss of CL income. They've trimmed the wage bill I think but they've spent a lot of money so at best they'll break-even I imagine or report a loss in the region of £20-30m.
Re: Liverpool's transfer strategy

Jose Enrique (and perhaps Coates) was the only bit of good business they undertook.
Dogleash at it again! Klanfield, home of nothing but innocent victims.


Kenny Dalglish fears fiery striker Craig Bellamy’s reputation is going before him.

The Reds boss is bemused over the incredible run of four bookings his Welsh signing has picked up in just 195 minutes on the pitch this month.

And even though he is understandably cautious of claiming there is a conspiracy against the player, Dalglish feels Bellamy has been harshly treated.

Each yellow card has been for unsporting behaviour or dissent, with most deemed to be harsh even by neutral observers.

The worst was a booking at Fulham when he was pushed in the face and did not respond... but still got cautioned. And there are fears within the club their player is being picked on.

“You would hate to believe there is an agenda against him from anyone, but Craig has been booked four times and he hasn’t deserved any of them,” said Dalglish.

“You would like to think if you had been unlucky four times, you would not be unlucky for a fifth. Mind you, you might have said that after the first two.

“One of the bookings was at Fulham when Clint Dempsey stuck his head straight in Craig’s face. When he was booked the other night there, we asked the ref why the wee man was booked and he said, ‘Craig knows’ – but he didn’t.

“And there was another against QPR when Joey Barton approached him. I don’t know why he has been booked but I haven’t
seen anything in any of them being reasonable.

“The other night, Antolin Alcaraz gave five free-kicks away with no yellow. If he is going to get five chances, does that mean everyone else is?’’

But Dalglish has been cheered up by news that Steven Gerrard is fit again.

Gerrard will play some part today and then against Newcastle in a festive double-header that will be crucial to their hopes of a top-four finish.

And the presence of their captain will be a big boost for the Merseyside club as they look to put the draining controversy of Luis Suarez’s race row behind them.
Skashion said:
Mario not unlucky then, was he not given two yellows because of his reputation? I can't recall Dalglish's vociferous defence of Balotelli on that occasion.

Was thinking exactly the same thing. Far from defending him, Dalglish had the cheek to say that soft second yellow was Balotelli's own fault, implying that his reputation deserved it.

Earlier in the season, before all the Suarez business, I and another poster defended Dalglish and said we were pleased to see him back in the game. I always saw him as someone who was pretty dignified but recently he has made a right arse of himself. Some of his comments regarding Suarez in particular have been shocking and utterly delusional. He and Liverpool FC really should shut the fuck up and lie low for a while because they're just making themselves look ever more stupid with each passing comment.
I dont mind the red dipper fans that go to the games, have had plenty of times when we were shit and the journey home from either MR or Eastlands would have gave them plenty of oppertunity to gloat, but they felt the pain we were suffering and told us that one day we would be back (while probably not believing it especially not that we would have taken their place at the top table).
On another occassion on the way back to the birkenhead ferry we stopped off at a pub for three of us to have a piss, it was just after liverpool had been robbed by a dodgy decision against chelsea and they were not happy, walked through the bar and heard a couple of comments like "what the fuck is that?" came out of the bogs and went to buy a bottle or two of beer and was bought them for me by a pool fan who congratulated us on our win that day (though it was against the one true scum).
I have also walked through Lime Street on way to Maine Road when their scallys have been out and about waiting for rags travelling in the other direction and they have came over to us and had a chat.
Maybe some of these things might happen differently now we are serious challangers for the honours, but i think most of the match going fans appreciate what we have been through over the years and are nowhere near as jealous as their or our neighbours.
earnie1 said:
we'll see what they have got to say on the 3rd.
They'll play as if in another cup final

They've become serial bottlers against lower placed clubs and game raising "heroes" against teams they believe are "their level".

As for all this crap about hitting the woodwork and how they'd be top of the league if they'd gone in. Hitting the woodwork is a bloody miss - doesn't matter if its 1 inch wide or 10 foot wide, it's still a miss.

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