The Media Against Pep?

Although it pains me to say it, the most successful English club by far for the past 25 years has been the rags. 13 Premier League titles vs our 2, vs Chelsea 4 vs Arsenal 2.

The club that has stood for absolutely no shit like this whatsoever is also the rags.

Are these two facts unrelated? Of fucking course they are not. Ferguson not allowing continual libellous rubbish like this to be printed created an environment where no-one dared criticise. The media had no choice but to get onboard or be banished. Prospective fans read (in the main) nothing but positive stories and signed up in their droves. Referees were intimidated into - at the very least - making United-friendly decisions. Or were afraid of making harsh ones for fear of the consequences.

This strategy PLAINLY worked.

Why our inept media department have not after all this time, grasped this, I am at a loss to understand. Our "turn the other cheek" approach PLAINLY DOES NOT work. It's about time we changed it.

Ferguson played his hand from a position of strength, the click bait media whores needed to feed the rag hordes and Ferguson was gatekeeper to the trough.
I studied Sports Journalism in England, and one of the first things we were taught were how to manipulate facts and try to bend them to fit our narrative, our lecturer also told us that it's in the journalist best interest to write good articles about certain teams and players and bad ones against certain teams.
But I am not saying they are. I'm just saying, if the answer to "we perceive we've been wronged" is banning those people from voicing their opinion it's a slippery slope.

LOL..Yet surprisingly, considering they are voicing "their opinion", they are all voicing the same opinion! Blimey! What are the odds on that?
It's not just case of them wanting Pep to fail because he's been such a big success, it's just as much that they are afraid he will succeed and Pep should know that but I don't believe they are getting to him as much as they all want to believe either.

Think about it Pep succeeding would mean City dominating the league winning the title consecutively, playing the best football in the league by far and gaining worldwide support, more sponsors, more star players you name it. That thought would be a nightmare enough to see the average UK Journo and Pundit wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat having shat their beds.
Imagine if Pep won the quadruple.....
Pep is an incredibly clever man.

By saying this he might well push some into exposing themselves, like that twat Mason who can't wait to hasten his so called departure.
I just hope this galvanises the fans and everyone at the stadium gets behind Pep and the team. Doing that and hopefully recording a solid win is the best way to shut them all up.
I don't think they are, I think up until recently he has had a fairly easy ride which some others might not of got.
I think folk in here are defending a "free press" when what they are really defending is a diverse press (meaning diversity of ownership). True diversity of ownership does not mean one rag is owned by a landed gent and another by a faceless stateless corporation.

There is very little left to defend in the mainstream media in this country, it's all Pravda brought to you by News Corp ( I love that name, it does exactly what it says on the tin).
But I am not saying they are. I'm just saying, if the answer to "we perceive we've been wronged" is banning those people from voicing their opinion it's a slippery slope.

Unless it was something extreme I would never ban a media organisation.
Individual journalists on the other hand is different matter.
If we feel a journalist has an agenda against the club then we advise the media outlet in good time before the next match that the journalist in question will not be given accreditation, stating the reasons why (which we should be able to do if we're taking this step). But we also make it clear we would be more than happy to welcome another reporter from their organisation.

Job done.

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