The media are brainwashing some city fans


Well-Known Member
3 Jul 2008
North Wales
Why are most people on here disappearing up their own arses? I can only think it's down to being taken in by all the shit the media write and say about us.

We need to be together and get behind our team.

Yes i accept yesterday was poor but to keep calling for bobbys head makes most of you as bad as those narrow minded journalists out there.

Look at league table and then remember where we were in 99.

clubfoot said:
Why are most people on here disappearing up their own arses? I can only think it's down to being taken in by all the shit the media write and say about us.

We need to be together and get behind our team.

Yes i accept yesterday was poor but to keep calling for bobbys head makes most of you as bad as those narrow minded journalists out there.

Look at league table and then remember where we were in 99.


Post of the weekend IMO.
clubfoot said:
Why are most people on here disappearing up their own arses? I can only think it's down to being taken in by all the shit the media write and say about us.

We need to be together and get behind our team.

Yes i accept yesterday was poor but to keep calling for bobbys head makes most of you as bad as those narrow minded journalists out there.

Look at league table and then remember where we were in 99.

Not many are calling for his head but a lot are saying he needs to change his approach because his current one isn't working. You accept this presumably as you admit yesterday was poor (which is more than most of the apologists do). Us roaring the team on is not going to make him commit 6 players to the attack when we're going forward.

Where we were in 1999 is utterly irrelevant. We were a wreck of a club then but Bernstein was pulling us up by our bootstraps. We're in an incomparably different piosition now.

And we're in 4th place now but wins against Blackburn and Birmingham would have put us in 2nd. We've been a bit lucky that no other team has put a run of results together to catch us but it could look different when Bolton come ot CoMS in December. What excuse will you have then if it does?
This is worth a read - I find he makes some very good points...

The fact that Mancini is willing — and allowed by his owner — to accommodate waste on this scale in order to grind out ugly results means City will surely succeed.
Given another two seasons to establish himself, I have no doubt Mancini will win the title.
Nobody in a City shirt will be fretting too much about ‘entertainment’ then.

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... z15GXwxqJC</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tests.html</a>
We need some propaganda on bluemoon all new threads should go through a third party positive City fan before getting on the main forum! Because there's to much bullshit from insecure MOANERS or rags in sheep clothing
Prestwich_Blue said:
clubfoot said:
Why are most people on here disappearing up their own arses? I can only think it's down to being taken in by all the shit the media write and say about us.

We need to be together and get behind our team.

Yes i accept yesterday was poor but to keep calling for bobbys head makes most of you as bad as those narrow minded journalists out there.

Look at league table and then remember where we were in 99.

Not many are calling for his head but a lot are saying he needs to change his approach because his current one isn't working. You accept this presumably as you admit yesterday was poor (which is more than most of the apologists do). Us roaring the team on is not going to make him commit 6 players to the attack when we're going forward.

Where we were in 1999 is utterly irrelevant. We were a wreck of a club then but Bernstein was pulling us up by our bootstraps. We're in an incomparably different piosition now.

And we're in 4th place now but wins against Blackburn and Birmingham would have put us in 2nd. We've been a bit lucky that no other team has put a run of results together to catch us but it could look different when Bolton come ot CoMS in December. What excuse will you have then if it does?
Hyperthetical situations are not much use.

Perhaps no one has put a run together because the Premiership is full of teams that are difficult to beat - including Birmingham and even Wolves who gave Chelsea, Utd, Arsenal and City a real battle

The team is bankrolled, but all the same they need time. That maybe an excuse in your eyes but it is a fact.
When I was at school a long time ago we had a raffle for a massive Easter Egg. Most of us could only afford one ticket, it was a poor area, however one kid had a rich dad and he bought 50% of the tickets. How many people do you think wanted him to win that bloody egg?
This is now the third time I've seen this slight against fellow blues intelligence on here this morning.
To suggest that we dont have the nous nor faculties to make our own minds up based upon what we see week in and week out is incredibly insulting and condescending.
By all means disagree with us who have a problem with Mancini's overly cautious and negative tactics.
But please stop suggesting that we dont have minds of our own.
It is misplaced intellectual snobbery on your parts.
Marvin said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Not many are calling for his head but a lot are saying he needs to change his approach because his current one isn't working. You accept this presumably as you admit yesterday was poor (which is more than most of the apologists do). Us roaring the team on is not going to make him commit 6 players to the attack when we're going forward.

Where we were in 1999 is utterly irrelevant. We were a wreck of a club then but Bernstein was pulling us up by our bootstraps. We're in an incomparably different piosition now.

And we're in 4th place now but wins against Blackburn and Birmingham would have put us in 2nd. We've been a bit lucky that no other team has put a run of results together to catch us but it could look different when Bolton come ot CoMS in December. What excuse will you have then if it does?
Hyperthetical situations are not much use.

Perhaps no one has put a run together because the Premiership is full of teams that are difficult to beat - including Birmingham and even Wolves who gave Chelsea, Utd, Arsenal and City a real battle

The team is bankrolled, but all the same they need time. That maybe an excuse in your eyes but it is a fact.
We'll see in a few weeks but I've never argued against the fact that players need time to settle and managers need time to get them playing to a system. But I don't think it's hypothetical to say that we won't stay in 4th unless we buck up our ideas and go out more positively to win games.
Where we were in 1999 is utterly irrelevant

From a fans perspective it's totally relevant.

It makes booing the manager and team because we drew at home to Birmingham embarrassing.

The heart and soul of our club is the fans, but if certain sections of our fans keep reacting like they did yesterday then we will get nowhere fast.

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