The media are brainwashing some city fans

Lucky Toma said:
This is now the third time I've seen this slight against fellow blues intelligence on here this morning.
To suggest that we dont have the nous nor faculties to make our own minds up based upon what we see week in and week out is incredibly insulting and condescending.
By all means disagree with us who have a problem with Mancini's overly cautious and negative tactics.
But please stop suggesting that we dont have minds of our own.
It is misplaced intellectual snobbery on your parts.

Any Blue with an ounce of independent thought and a smattering of the clubs recent history must surely realise that we're in a better spot now (league position/ uefa cup group) than we've been for a long. long time.

A couple of un-won (?) games sees these board filled with the same knee-jerk negative drivel that's constantly spewed out by the media, and that's from so called City supporters. It's bad enough having the most read National papers having a go at us day after day without having to hear it from Blues.

Given the new found high expectations of the fans then yes, yesterday seems like a poor result. Surely the more intelligent supporter realises that one draw at home is not the end of the world and we still have it all to play for at this stage of the season.
waspish said:
I'll tell you after we played the scum and villa away I reckon we'll get 1 point more
Playing the way we are at the moment? I admire your optimism, I really do. Then again, we do seem to be playing better (not difficult, admittedly) than we are at COMS.
jimharri said:
clubfoot said:
From a fans perspective it's totally relevant.

It makes booing the manager and team because we drew at home to Birmingham embarrassing.

The heart and soul of our club is the fans, but if certain sections of our fans keep reacting like they did yesterday then we will get nowhere fast.
Alright. Seeing as you think what happened 11 years agao is relevant, let's go back to 1968and compare our position now to what we achieved back then. Fair enough?

pissedagain said:
shock horror,city draw twice in a week.....hang on so did trafford!!!!!
Yeah; away twice at potentially tricky grounds. We were at home twice. Whose were the better results?

i do not use the rags results as a comparison to how well city are doing, i dont give a flying fuck who they play or how they do unless they are playing us. you shouldnt either, its not our concern.
burning blue soul said:
i do not use the rags results as a comparison to how well city are doing, i dont give a flying fuck who they play or how they do unless they are playing us. you shouldnt either, its not our concern.

pissedagain said:
shock horror,city draw twice in a week.....hang on so did trafford!!!!!
Try telling him, he brought them up.
Alright. Seeing as you think what happened 11 years agao is relevant, let's go back to 1968and compare our position now to what we achieved back then. Fair enough?

Sorry mate I wasn't born in 68 :P

Your missing the point though, the point being we should never forget where we have been, having all the money in the world does not guarantee overnight success no matter how much you boo.

CL qualification this season, CL run and a shot at the title next season
Prestwich_Blue said:
clubfoot said:
Why are most people on here disappearing up their own arses? I can only think it's down to being taken in by all the shit the media write and say about us.

We need to be together and get behind our team.

Yes i accept yesterday was poor but to keep calling for bobbys head makes most of you as bad as those narrow minded journalists out there.

Look at league table and then remember where we were in 99.

Not many are calling for his head but a lot are saying he needs to change his approach because his current one isn't working. You accept this presumably as you admit yesterday was poor (which is more than most of the apologists do). Us roaring the team on is not going to make him commit 6 players to the attack when we're going forward.

Where we were in 1999 is utterly irrelevant. We were a wreck of a club then but Bernstein was pulling us up by our bootstraps. We're in an incomparably different piosition now.

And we're in 4th place now but wins against Blackburn and Birmingham would have put us in 2nd. We've been a bit lucky that no other team has put a run of results together to catch us but it could look different when Bolton come ot CoMS in December. What excuse will you have then if it does?

And had MANUre converted their draws they would be streets ahead and people would be saying whether anyone could catch them, one-horse race.

We are a whisker off beating teams like BBurn and Brum, but I hope that after the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix the MCFC players took a look at the EFC v The Arse game and looked at the effort that went into the BlueDippers second half. At 2-0 down and ten mins to go, they never stopped going forward or dropping heads.
Palerider said:
When I was at school a long time ago we had a raffle for a massive Easter Egg. Most of us could only afford one ticket, it was a poor area, however one kid had a rich dad and he bought 50% of the tickets. How many people do you think wanted him to win that bloody egg?

Three. His mum, dad and him. Solved. God, I love brain teasers. Have you got anymore?
clubfoot said:
Sorry mate I wasn't born in 68 :P
Your missing the point though, the point being we should never forget where we have been, having all the money in the world does not guarantee overnight success no matter how much you boo.
CL qualification this season, CL run and a shot at the title next season
Not missing the point at all. You're comparing our position now to where we were in '99. Fair enough; that's your prerogative. Your reasoning being that
''...we should never forget where we have been...''
Well, I'm not forgetting where we were and what we achieved in '68. If you want to compare our fortunes now with a less glorious past in our history, then it is only fair to also compare with our glory period. Yes?

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