i worked one winter season on a husky yard in northern Norway. We used to collect raw offal from a meat-processing factory - the parts that weren’t for human consumption, mainly tripe, lungs and hearts. We would cut the offal up then use an industrial blender, before filling 20kg trays and freezing it. Being in the Arctic, it was usually cold enough to place the trays outside, under a large tarpaulin.
Come the spring, however, we’d not managed to use all the blocks, and there had been somewhat of a thaw. It was down to me to lift the tarpaulin and to deal with whatever I found beneath... Now, if anyone ever asks you to deal with rotten meat and blood, do anything you can to avoid the task! The stench is so horrendous, it will stay with you for that long, you can actually recall it. It took me three showers, including full-clothed, before I got anywhere near dampening the original smell.