The New Bloke At Work - Just Quit (P6)

No idea. I simply don't ask him personal questions and he sticks to politics - last night he asked us all if we believed in the moon landings. Multiple rolling eyes all around as he gave us his "No" theory

Moon landings was a fake
Covid isn't real
Anti-Musk conspiracies
China good
Russia good
North Korea good
Add all the "You can learn to be a brain surgeon on you tube", and you might just have a clone of a relative of mine.
No idea. I simply don't ask him personal questions and he sticks to politics - last night he asked us all if we believed in the moon landings. Multiple rolling eyes all around as he gave us his "No" theory

Who interviewed this ****? Got to be a wind up - you’ll be on undercover boss mate.

You should let on you was on egg heads and you’ve driven an Uber so he knows you’re a bright **** so when he takes the fake beard off and says I’m the boss he will make you his …his … his… erm, secretary or chauffeur.
.....been here 5 weeks now and alienated everyone.
When I've started jobs you keep your head down, get to know colleagues before talking politics and religion and try and blend in.

Not this twat.
Opinionated from the first lunch break. Never shuts up. A Trumpster and covid denying prick (I made an error in asking him if he'd had a covid jab and he replied "what's covid..."

I can't eat a meal at work anywhere near him since he discovered I am a veggie.
"Hey there's meat in the veggie stir fry they made a mistake labelling it"
"It would be so funny if the cook made a mistake and they are real sausages"

His latest was "how much would I have to pay you to eat this piece of beef, $1,000?"
I replied "put the money on the table and let's see what happens". Shut the fucker up and I'd have eaten it just to see his face.

He rubs everyone up the wrong way. I don't have an issue in what he is saying (work wise) but his delivery gets everyone's back up. He usually starts every sentence when talking with me with "I think i just pissed (insert a different name for each conversation) off...."

Four of us planned a night out straight from work (we finished at 11.30pm on a Friday / Saturday and he finishes at midnight. We were going without him in one car and he saw one male pull up in the company car and a female colleague get in it. Me and the other lad had to walk for a few mins away from where they were so he couldn't see us get in the car too.
The next day he's telling me he thinks the couple are a love item as he saw them drive off together.
And 2 weeks ago I was off site and he asked get him a McDonalds. I give it him and he says he doesn't have cash but will buy the first pint when we go out for a drink...... so ive lost my money as that wont happen. What a prick.
What you have to ask yourself is, "In my life, why do I give valuable time to people who don't care if I live or die?"
Sounds like the type of **** that wouldn't last 5 minutes working with me.
Much like the russian that was pro putin and the pikey that was a rag.
if everyone you work with is an issue and they stop wanting to work with you then the only constant is you

maybe you're the **** ;-)

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