The new Manics album

Gaudino said:
Glad you rate it mate. Planning to get that this week. Gold Against The Soul is my personal fave.

you must get it mate, you won't be disappointed.
underrated album gold against the soul as well, not their best for me but still good.always thought some of the b-sides to the singles off that album (are mother's saints, donkeys), should have been on that album.
I used to be a big fan seen them 3 or 4 times;i agree with plenty of the comments that after everything must go things went downhill rapidly.Reason being they lost the Richey influence that set them apart-everything must go still had some lyrical input from Richey.The following album apart from If you tolerate this was a serious waste of time.

The positive comments about the new album make me think it might be worth seeking out.
TheMightyQuinn said:
svennis pennis said:
Really want to hear this. I nearly died due to that gash, your love alone song. This however sounds very interesting as their using Richeys lyrics.

It's infinitely better than the last album mate. Should be all over the net by now, I've had it a few weeks. It's out on Monday anyway, there's a deluxe edition with a 2nd cd of demos from the album.

Apparently the artwork for the deluxe version will be similar to the actual box of lyrics Richey left the band.

Nice one. Should be taking delivery of it any minute now *ahem.* Looking forward to it.
mikeyboy said:
Gaudino said:
Glad you rate it mate. Planning to get that this week. Gold Against The Soul is my personal fave.

you must get it mate, you won't be disappointed.
underrated album gold against the soul as well, not their best for me but still good.always thought some of the b-sides to the singles off that album (are mother's saints, donkeys), should have been on that album.

If they'd taken off a few tunes from GATS and added the likes of Donkey, Are Mothers Saints and Hibernation it would have been a much better album, would have aged better anyway.
svennis pennis said:
Nice. Its abolishing the last few albums all ready. Love the opening two tunes.

It get's better in my opinion though the first 2 are pretty strong openers!

Only track that'll divide us on this thread I reckon will be the last one, you'll understand when you hear it ;)
TheMightyQuinn said:
svennis pennis said:
Nice. Its abolishing the last few albums all ready. Love the opening two tunes.

It get's better in my opinion though the first 2 are pretty strong openers!

Only track that'll divide us on this thread I reckon will be the last one, you'll understand when you hear it ;)

I like it? Bag Lady right? Why do you think its a divider?
svennis pennis said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
svennis pennis said:
Nice. Its abolishing the last few albums all ready. Love the opening two tunes.

It get's better in my opinion though the first 2 are pretty strong openers!

Only track that'll divide us on this thread I reckon will be the last one, you'll understand when you hear it ;)

I like it? Bag Lady right? Why do you think its a divider?

Ah sorry, Bag Lady is meant to be the 'hidden track', you know like after 15mins of silence. I meant Williams Last Words, personally I think it's the weakest tune on there and a bit sentimental but that's possibly unfair as they are only working with the lyrics he left them so it's not a personal tribute etc etc. Wire's voice I usually like but the tune seems a little out of place. I'm nit picking though :)
TheMightyQuinn said:
svennis pennis said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
svennis pennis said:
Nice. Its abolishing the last few albums all ready. Love the opening two tunes.

It get's better in my opinion though the first 2 are pretty strong openers!

Only track that'll divide us on this thread I reckon will be the last one, you'll understand when you hear it ;)

I like it? Bag Lady right? Why do you think its a divider?

Ah sorry, Bag Lady is meant to be the 'hidden track', you know like after 15mins of silence. I meant Williams Last Words, personally I think it's the weakest tune on there and a bit sentimental but that's possibly unfair as they are only working with the lyrics he left them so it's not a personal tribute etc etc. Wire's voice I usually like but the tune seems a little out of place. I'm nit picking though :)

Ah yeh, I know what you mean. It sticks out a way. never really liked Wire as a vocalist anyway. Bag Lady is good though.

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