The next attack on City?

Neville Kneville said:
Pigeonho said:
cibaman said:
Its an announcement by one of the governing bodies and its been reported in the press. Hence it must be an attack on City. Haven't you been following this (proven) Agenda debate?
Ah, of course! Silly me!

It's not purely an attack on City, just as FFP isn't purely an attack on City, yet has pretty much singled us & PSG out whilst others benefit from it.

Do you think that Greg Dyke believes that stopping a few Africans signing for Hull or Leicester, will have any effect whatsoever on England's world cup chances ? Will stopping City or Utd signing one or two Brazilian or Argentinian kids, make a huge difference to the England team ?

Which club is developing the strongest ties to youth football in Africa for example ? Which club is bulilding bases in other non EU countries which will undoubtably lead to sharing some of the best young players from the those countries ? Which club has the biggest & the best academy project & therefore would have the most places available to bring over the best non EU players & train them ? Which clup will have 99% of applications turned down for any players from non EU countries, no matter how good they are ?

What happens when it turns out not to make even the slightest difference to anything so far as the England team is concerened ? What will Dyke's next move be ? How long before a 'quota' of non English players is established if he gets his way ? I'll tell you: he would do it tomorrow if there was a chance the clubs would go for it. Will he suggest it again further down the line ? You fucking bet he will.

If our academy is churning out brilliant kids & we are hugely successful, will the other clubs vote for a cap on the number of foreign players if Dyke suggests it, even though it potentially affects them ? Did they vote for ffp even though it affects them ? Who did it stich up the most ?

Who would this stitch up the most ? Clubs who have no long term plan re youth football other than to carry on as they are, or the club which has spent 200 mil on a new project most of which is to produce young players & has centres all round the world to feed it ?

How many decent English kids would there be to share round all the clubs in the Premier League if a quota on non English was brought in ?

When Utd Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs Everton, West Ham, Southampton etc, are all competing for the same few English players, & we can't sign any non EU players, & there is a quota on any foreign players, who fills the 500 places at our academy ? 450 shite English players, that's who.

Make no mistake, this is phase one. Phase two is no more Marcos Lopes etc, but more Joey Bartons.
Incorrect! It is there to stop the likes of Spurs Villa Everton Valancia Bilbao Sevilla Fiorentina Shalke etc. becomeing what us and Paris have become. Basically, they're alright with a couple of clubs (us and Paris) joining the elite club level - what's another two teams to a 12-16 club elite?(no great impact). But what they don't want is a further dozen, or more, clubs flooding the elite level. Why that is i don't know because the overall level of competition would be better domestically and at European level. But after this year us and Paris will be pretty much fine and in a few years just part of the cartel that the likes of the clubs i mentioned will hate.
Wreckless Alec said:
citytilidie85 said:
In regards to this new rule, is anyone else sick of people trying to change football in some way shape or form? You can't have this many players or not allowed to spend this amount of money, can only players at certain times of the year etc... Football is becoming less and less fun.

And, given your opening paragraph, why do you think people are suddenly so anxious to impose restrictions ? Of course it's directly linked to what we do. Why do you think prominent rag and former united director Greg Dyke, of all people in the world was chosen to head up this "brains trust" ? Why do you think, of all the retired footballers in the world with an iota of intelligence, Rio Ferdinand is on the committee ? Why do you think Dyke talks about stopping young African youngsters coming over not 6 months after we signed 3 players from Nigerian Youth World Cup winning squad ? Dear oh dear !

So do you think these people in the FA and those in UEFA sit around a table and say "right how can we stitch up City today"? Granted these rules affect us but they also affect all the other clubs as well. Not for one minute do I agree with all these new "innovations" the plebs at the FA come up with and not for one minute do I think they will in any way help in the England national team. The only way to do that is improve the level of coaching at grass roots so young English players are better then they currently are. If Fabian Delph is the future of our midfield we are well and truly f*cked! What I am saying though is why is there a knee jerk reaction by some City fans that every change is only directed at us?
Cobwebcat said:
How can a bunch of fans see the problem and the FA can't?

Dyke needs to realise that The Premier League is for the Worlds best players not England's best players.

Young English players need to move abroad like every other Nation's youngsters are prepared to do. Kompany pointed this out quite recently. Now there is a guy worth listening to. Hoddle Mills and Dyke? FFS....

Spot on.

But FFP is about vested interests.

After the initial mockery about noisy neighbours, not in my lifetime and you cant buy success, the EU elite cartel, with the UK contingent at the fore, are exposed as hypocrites. The investment in Manchester City is unlike anything ever seen and the City Groups global strategy has left them bemused and trailing as revenues rocket to put us in the top 5 rich football clubs in the world. We have no debt and are one of the fastest growing brands.

Not so long ago the Italian clubs dominated financially. They have shown It can be a slippery slope down. Liverpool have been the big losers by the rise of City. Arsenal are at risk and the Rags are panicking. Everton and Spurs believe they had a right to inherit success. All are playing catch up as City surge ahead so will employ any tactic to nobble us or slow us down. I think there is an acceptance now that the likes of City and PSG are here to stay. Their fear is more will follow. Their actions are channeled through EUFA to give a semblance of credibility.

The City model is unlike anything seen before. Previously rich owners bought success by buying rich clubs and getting a good return on their investment. Sheikh Mansours investment plays a longer game to take it to a new level through success on the pitch, regeneration, redevelopments, branding and customer values through a global approach. No wonder other clubs are worried and Abramovic is consolidating at Chelsea.

The City campaign is long term about winning a war in which FFP is one issue. There is a legal challenge in place and even the biased media is waking up to the nonesense of FFP. Martin Samuel was a lone media voice at the outset as were City fans who seemed the only set of supporters who could see FFP for what it was. Meanwhile Manchester City has quietly gone about its business achieving its objectives. As Khaldoon said, a concession on FFP this time doesnt mean the Club agrees or will sit back.
citytilidie85 said:
First, starting to get a bit boring now all these anti City posts/threads etc... Fair enough if someone genuinely believes there is an agenda against us, everyone has the right to their own opinions but what's annoying is that everything which happens in football people think it's to stop or hinder us in someway.
I've been saying this for a good while now. It's ruining the feeling of this forum. The whole fun of the new Manchester City under the Sheikh seems to drain away from me after half an hour on here. It's starting to become like some sort of asylum. Total paranoia is evident but also now posters are even purposely twisting things to make it seem like things that aren't even directed at us, are...or worse, both have finally brainwashed the masses to believing that everything is directed at us as part of the agenda.

There is FAR too much talk along the lines of "the world is against us". It's fucking tedious!

There could be a good debate had on this topic but i nearly logged straight off when i read the OP in relation to the thread title.
KippaxCitizen said:
citytilidie85 said:
First, starting to get a bit boring now all these anti City posts/threads etc... Fair enough if someone genuinely believes there is an agenda against us, everyone has the right to their own opinions but what's annoying is that everything which happens in football people think it's to stop or hinder us in someway.
I've been saying this for a good while now. It's ruining the feeling of this forum. The whole fun of the new Manchester City under the Sheikh seems to drain away from me after half an hour on here. It's starting to become like some sort of asylum. Total paranoia is evident but also now posters are even purposely twisting things to make it seem like things that aren't even directed at us, are...or worse, both have finally brainwashed the masses to believing that everything is directed at us as part of the agenda.

There is FAR too much talk along the lines of "the world is against us". It's fucking tedious!

There could be a good debate had on this topic but i nearly logged straight off when i read the OP in relation to the thread title.

Agreed as to all that, for my part. And also the thought occurs to me that two current PL clubs are starting to dominate all youth levels as far as the Academy setups. Those would be City and Chelsea. Certainly a number of non-EU foreign players in both, but loads of English boys.

So the agenda is to .... HELP City and Chelsea now?

Apologies if that point has been made already. I was also put off by the title of the thread and have not read a lot of it.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Exeter Blue I am here said:
Wreckless Alec said:
And I will make a prediction that the very next restrictions imposed by UEFA, closely followed by our own Premier League's version, will concern ownership of clubs in different countries by one group. At a guess, it will involve restrictions on;

a) transfers/loans involving players between "connected" clubs
b) multiple sponsorship deals across "connected" clubs
c) financial dealings such as loans between "connected" clubs

And still there will be people claiming it's a coincidence.

Yup to all of those. As discussed before, they will systematically target every single aspect of our set up that they perceive might give us a financial or footballing advantage. City's presence in the top 4 deprives one of the old guard of not just £50m a year in Chimps League money, but leaves them needing to spend at least another £100m to try and buy their way back in. Gill, Dyke, even Camelgob, they are all in their respective roles/places for a reason, and I'm astonished that there are City fans on here that can't see it staring them in the face. I wonder if they'll wake up when Iheanacho's work permit request gets turned down by the anonymous and unaccountable DWP footballing advisory panel, put in place for precisely the purpose of rubber stamping deals for the rags and the Arse?
I'm struggling to think of a bigger indictment on the state of our national game than the inclusion of Ferdinand in this process. He is utterly stupid. He is quite possibly a moron, in the clinical sense. Furthermore, the notion that he would place the interests of the English game above united is utterly comical.

It's almost beyond parody isn't it? The only analogy I can think of is Uncle Herb allowing Homer to take charge of designing a new car in the Simpsons, with the company going into immediate liquidation as a result.
KippaxCitizen said:
citytilidie85 said:
First, starting to get a bit boring now all these anti City posts/threads etc... Fair enough if someone genuinely believes there is an agenda against us, everyone has the right to their own opinions but what's annoying is that everything which happens in football people think it's to stop or hinder us in someway.
I've been saying this for a good while now. It's ruining the feeling of this forum. The whole fun of the new Manchester City under the Sheikh seems to drain away from me after half an hour on here. It's starting to become like some sort of asylum. Total paranoia is evident but also now posters are even purposely twisting things to make it seem like things that aren't even directed at us, are...or worse, both have finally brainwashed the masses to believing that everything is directed at us as part of the agenda.

There is FAR too much talk along the lines of "the world is against us". It's fucking tedious!

There could be a good debate had on this topic but i nearly logged straight off when i read the OP in relation to the thread title.

Neville Kneville and Wreckless Alec have pretty much spelled it out for you. If you think the presence of Gill, Dyke and (heaven help us) Camelgob on these various bodies is mere coincidence, and that dissenters are paranoid or belong in an asylum, you really are in need of help. Three questions if you think otherwise:
1. Which Premier League club represents the biggest threat to the rags, the dippers, the Arse and the Chels, in terms of occupying a Chimps League spot and depriving one of them of the gobs and gobs of cash they seem to believe are theirs by right?
2. Which Premier League club has been most hampered by FFP (and please don't say Villa or Everton - they're £500m and 5 years shy of even remotely threatening the old guard)?
3. Which club stands to be most hampered by this latest little wheeze (I'll give you a clue - they've just built a £200m academy with a view to recruiting the world's best young players)?
KippaxCitizen said:
citytilidie85 said:
First, starting to get a bit boring now all these anti City posts/threads etc... Fair enough if someone genuinely believes there is an agenda against us, everyone has the right to their own opinions but what's annoying is that everything which happens in football people think it's to stop or hinder us in someway.
I've been saying this for a good while now. It's ruining the feeling of this forum. The whole fun of the new Manchester City under the Sheikh seems to drain away from me after half an hour on here. It's starting to become like some sort of asylum. Total paranoia is evident but also now posters are even purposely twisting things to make it seem like things that aren't even directed at us, are...or worse, both have finally brainwashed the masses to believing that everything is directed at us as part of the agenda.

There is FAR too much talk along the lines of "the world is against us". It's fucking tedious!

There could be a good debate had on this topic but i nearly logged straight off when i read the OP in relation to the thread title.

Why don't you just ignore it? People trying to prove there isnt an agenda are far more persistent and ardent than those trying to prove there is.

IMO we should just go back to discussing whether something is a shit article, referee, policy or decision without every thread needing to be turned into an agenda thread by the same suspects on each side.
Exeter Blue I am here said:
KippaxCitizen said:
citytilidie85 said:
First, starting to get a bit boring now all these anti City posts/threads etc... Fair enough if someone genuinely believes there is an agenda against us, everyone has the right to their own opinions but what's annoying is that everything which happens in football people think it's to stop or hinder us in someway.
I've been saying this for a good while now. It's ruining the feeling of this forum. The whole fun of the new Manchester City under the Sheikh seems to drain away from me after half an hour on here. It's starting to become like some sort of asylum. Total paranoia is evident but also now posters are even purposely twisting things to make it seem like things that aren't even directed at us, are...or worse, both have finally brainwashed the masses to believing that everything is directed at us as part of the agenda.

There is FAR too much talk along the lines of "the world is against us". It's fucking tedious!

There could be a good debate had on this topic but i nearly logged straight off when i read the OP in relation to the thread title.

Neville Kneville and Wreckless Alec have pretty much spelled it out for you. If you think the presence of Gill, Dyke and (heaven help us) Camelgob on these various bodies is mere coincidence, and that dissenters are paranoid or belong in an asylum, you really are in need of help. Three questions if you think otherwise:
1. Which Premier League club represents the biggest threat to the rags, the dippers, the Arse and the Chels, in terms of occupying a Chimps League spot and depriving one of them of the gobs and gobs of cash they seem to believe are theirs by right?
2. Which Premier League club has been most hampered by FFP (and please don't say Villa or Everton - they're £500m and 5 years shy of even remotely threatening the old guard)?
3. Which club stands to be most hampered by this latest little wheeze (I'll give you a clue - they've just built a £200m academy with a view to recruiting the world's best young players)?

Agree, Gill, Dyke etc... shouldn't be there. There are people in the football world who are better placed to help improve the quality of young English players coming through, like the guy (forget his name) in the Southampton academy or even Jim Cassell.

1. I wouldn't say we are a threat to them 4 teams, I would say that we have already established ourselves in the top 4. Not saying that we should be there by rights or that we will get their every year but surely the biggest threat to the top 4 is someone like Everton who have been knocking on the door and almost made it last season? How can we be a threat if we have already took it?
2. I hate FFP and think it's the single worst thing to happen to football. I do agree that this has hampered us and have never said otherwise. But why can't I say Villa or Everton, or any other PL club or FL club? You say they're £500m away from even threatening, so were we 5-6 years ago and it took that investment to catch up, never mind take over, so these clubs now can't do that with fear of fines etc... So yes I would say that is has hampered us, and them and most other teams across Europe who are not in the so called elite old guard of European football.
3. So we are the only club looking to recruit the worlds best young players? If you can show me in the any of the press statements or documents where it says "this is only for City and all other clubs are exempt" then I'll hold my hands up.

If people have the opinion that we are being directly targeted or victimised that's fine, my original post was due to every thread seems to end up about the "agenda". There's an agenda thread, put it in there so people can avoid it if they're sick of hearing about it. Even the post match Bayern thread ended up being about how the ref must have had orders from UEFA not to give us a penalty!
KippaxCitizen said:
citytilidie85 said:
First, starting to get a bit boring now all these anti City posts/threads etc... Fair enough if someone genuinely believes there is an agenda against us, everyone has the right to their own opinions but what's annoying is that everything which happens in football people think it's to stop or hinder us in someway.
I've been saying this for a good while now. It's ruining the feeling of this forum. The whole fun of the new Manchester City under the Sheikh seems to drain away from me after half an hour on here. It's starting to become like some sort of asylum. Total paranoia is evident but also now posters are even purposely twisting things to make it seem like things that aren't even directed at us, are...or worse, both have finally brainwashed the masses to believing that everything is directed at us as part of the agenda.

There is FAR too much talk along the lines of "the world is against us". It's fucking tedious!

There could be a good debate had on this topic but i nearly logged straight off when i read the OP in relation to the thread title.

Phew! There are Blues on here that are thinking the same as me!

I'll still continue with my new rule of logging off more often, but it's such a relief to know that others have the same opinion!

*Goes back to look at the photos posted by jrb of the things being built at City's ground.*

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